Sunday, 29 July 2007

Week 24 (30/7 - 5/8)

Hmm, if you hadn't noticed, I'm starting to get behind with all these entries. Luckily I am jotting down notes - I've just got to get back to them at some stage and expand on the notes a wee bit, then upload them. Oh well.

Quiet week to start with - not much happening.

Mon night went to see The Rose Tattoo (a play by Tennessee Williams), starring Zoe Wannamaker. Very good - though part of the storyline seemed a wee bit redundant to me (2.5hrs!!!). Only 10 quid and had excellent seats (not just for the price as was the case last week - but excellent seats in general!).

Felt the need for a drink after work on Tuesday, so we went to the Holland Club and had a couple. This, of course, lead to heading out for dinner afterwards. I'm seriously contemplating giving up buying groceries for the flat. I would be lucky if I cook one night a week at home these days! All I need to get is my fruit, lunch and breakfast stuff and I'll be right - should almost halve my weekly grocery spending ;)

Wednesday came and I started the new part of my job (management, apparently). I'm now doing the work of two full-time positions (and am still totally bored, but let's not mention this to the boss!) - kind of sounds like my old job back home ;) I think they're easing me into it slowly. Nobody asked me to do anything :( Somehow I can't see this lasting...

...nope. Didn't last. First thing on Thursday morning I was faced with about three queries about things I had no idea about. I managed to BS my way through them though, keeping everyone happy :) I spent most of Thursday arvo in the "secret room" going through archives that are being sent away. They keep exam scripts for 7 years here! What a waste of time/space. Nearly 200 archive boxes are being sent off to another campus for storage. Nobody thinks that any scripts etc have been requested in the last few years, so really, what's the point?

Friday saw us head off for drinks yet again - at lunch and after work. Lunchtime drinks were with the exams team (a kind of way to thank me for my help with things). After work was a "just 'cos" reason. We felt like a couple, so we buggered of for a couple. Fast becoming a habit. I feel all my weight is piling back on because of the alcohol consumption. One thing to do. Stop eating ;) haha

The weekend was beautiful & sunny. Spent it relaxing & reading. Well good. Sunday got poxy with the computer and also spent nearly 5 hours trying to sort it out (which I did successfully, I might add). I think that at some point I may have switched off the firewall and because I leave the thing on 24/7, somehow someone may have got into my machine. It's all working good again now, so I can breathe a sigh of relief (and remind myself not to turn off the firewall for any reason!).


Week 23 (23/7 - 29/7)

This was kind of a busy week for me - busy in the sense that for the next couple of weeks I'm looking after the Intranet (not hard work, but tedious), as well as bugging Aidan as much as possible to ensure I know what I'm doing when I take over his job later in the week (Weds). I doubt I will know what I'm doing, but hey! C'est la vie! ;)

On Wednesday evening we went and saw the play The 39 Steps at the Criterion. It was really funny, and one I could see again :) Essentially there are only four actors playing a variety of roles in a whodunnit-type story. It only cost a tenner and we got fairly good seats (for the price, obviously).

Spent a couple of nights out for dinner (plus lunches). I'm finding life over here very social - especially during the weekdays. Fortunately most of the people I'm heading out with are in similar financial positions to me - they can't afford to be doing it every lunchtime/evening, so we do cheap things (sometimes). A vast difference to the life I lead in Dunedin where I hardly did a thing (sadly, I had more disposable money then, too - maybe I wouldn't be in as much debt in NZ had I lead a more social life - haha).

Friday night we had Aidan's leaving do. The boss put money behind the bar for it (something that he's never done for anyone else!) - and sadly (well, not really) most of the people who said they'd come, couldn't make it. Made for a good night for the 6 of us who did make it! Got a wee bit happy...until someone threw up over my jacket & shoes. Would've punched the bugger, but would've looked silly hitting myself ;)

Saturday morning I awoke feeling very sorry for myself...moreso because I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep. Ended up going out to Richmond for the arvo (after a nice, greasy lunch in Covent Garden). Wonderful weather (until just as I was getting home when it started to rain). Fariha wanted to see deer at Richmond park - but we had no idea as to how to find it, so we wandered around the streets until we came across it. We would've found it much sooner had we not went with my intuition ("let's go that way - it looks like it could be a 'parky' area" - yeah, right!).

Builder looked at flat - bit of work needs done. Despite landlord telling me roof was OK, the builder told me it was "fucked" (his word!). Bathroom floor needs re-tiled, so too, apparently, does the shower (tiles are coming off the walls - hadn't noticed this myself...oops).

On Sunday I spent the day relaxing (recovering from Friday night and all the walking on Saturday).


Roma! Day 3 (22/7)

Ahh, Roma! Such a fantastic city.

Got up and checked out of the hotel. Seeing as I only had the morning (before I had to be making my way out to the airport), I met up with Peter & Mandy at the Termini around 9.30. We went around the corner to an amazing museum. There were lots of fascinating artifacts - statues and busts; mosaics; friezes etc. I wish I had had more time to explore everything they had to offer, but sadly, the two hours flew by!

I had to leave the Termini at 11.30. Bade farewell to Peter & Mandy and boarded the express back out to the airport. Did the whole check-in/security thing. Check-in was interesting. The desk for our flight was hidden away and not actually sign-posted (and kind of hidden by the long queues of people going through security). I eventually found it, checked in and went through security and into the transit area. Had a nose around the shops, but saw nothing that jumped out at me (and completely forgot to get some postcards - luckily it's a city I want to go back to, so there should be plenty of time to get them next visit).

Boarded the plane and took off for home (okay, I'm leaving out the boring waiting about bits here - I just filled these in doing Sudokus).

Arrived home to a nice day - not a warm day, but not a cold one - I didn't look too out of place in my shorts & t-shirt. Tubed it back to Victoria and wandered home. I pretty much hit the ceiling (excuse the pun) when I got in. There had been torrential rain in London on Friday (yay me for missing this) and my ceiling had leaked something wicked. There had been so much water, it had filled the bottom of the oven, spilled over the bench, and ran across the floor. All I can say is that I'm pleased I had the nouse to leave the place tidy when I left - otherwise there could've been a lot of damage to my stuff (like the laptop that usually gets left on the floor!). Called the landlord and went bananas - don't expect him to do anything, he didn't sound too interested. Oh well, it's damaging his property, not mine (yet!).

Overall, I had the bestest time in Roma. Peter & Mandy are great tour guides and such a fun couple to spend time with! It was sad to leave there - but so long as I'm living in these here parts, it's easy and cheap enough to go back to!


Roma! Day 2 (21/7)

Day two in Roma! Today was to be the "busy" day - especially as I had to leave for the airport around noon the next day. In the photos below, please also take note of the brilliant blue sky! Not a cloud to be seen all day!!!

Up at 6am and out waiting for the bus (#508) at 7am. It finally arrived around 7.20am (don't expect buses to run to a schedule here!). It terminated at Ponte Mammolo Stazione (the Metro line) where I caught the tube into the Termini to meet Peter & Mandy at 9am. I ended up getting there around 8.30am so just pottered around and did some people-watching. Now, I realise that this is very stereotypical, but it's also very bloody true: Americans are loud, rude and abrupt! They complained about everything (heat, cost of things, people, language...). The teenagers were just dumb f**ks (i.e. I overheard one saying to another, 'I don't know why they can't just speak English here - everywhere else does'. That's news to me. I'm sure if you dumped the dickhead in, say, Beijing he'd have trouble too!).

I happened to catch Mandy out the corner of my eye - just as she was about to snap a photo of me. Sneaky woman! ;-) It was great to see them again - I don't think I've seen them since the afternoon of Howard's farewell at my place before Christmas! After a wee chat about things (what we'd do etc) we headed off for breakfast/coffee at a lovely wee cafe near where they usually stay when in Roma.

We decided to do the 'hop-on-hop-off' bus trip. These are the best things around. 24-hour ticket and you can get on and off where and when you like (well, by where I mean at designated stops!). There are a few different types - the one we ended up was a "Christian" one. Fortunately, there are churches near everything we (I) wanted to see (much of which Peter & Mandy had seen previously).

Stop #1 was at the Colusseum. This is absolutely amazing. It's not as large as I imagined it to be; but it's a wonderful piece of architecture (I love architecture I've now decided...maybe I'll do an architecture degree too? ;-) ). There are many parts that look as if they've been heavily restored over the years - and others that look fairly original. Never went in (due to the lengths of the queues) - could be something to do in the future. From here we strolled over to the Fori Imperiali/Romano (the seat of commerce & politics in ancient Rome). Here you could feel the history ooze out of the ruins. I doubt that in two centuries as much of what we know today will be in such conditions - we tend to bulldoze and rebuild. We did, however, wonder where all the dirt came from that buried much of the ruins? They're quite low compared to the rest of the city. Interesting.

^ One side of the Colesseum

^ Peter & Mandy - reading up on something :-)

^ One of the arches that led into ancient Roma

^ Can't quite recall what this is, but the history oozed out of it!

^ Remains of the home of the Vestal Virgins (what can be seen in the middle is the remains of the pond;
statues around the back are of the vestal virgin gods - or something like that)

^ Will get back to you on this (I should know)...but isn't it truly amazing?

We jumped back on the bus and travelled around, past the Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus). This was a hell of a lot bigger than I thought it was. It's hard to picture the chariots taking the sharp turns... Never got off the bus here; rather we went around to Santa Maria in Cosmedin (a church that houses Bocca Della Verita - a hole in the wall that, legend has it, will bite the hand of anyone who has lied). This was a great stop. We had a look around the church. Churches, it turns out, are great stops on hot days as they're so nice and cool - and have somewhere to sit if needed ;-)

^ A temple (can't remember which) over the road from Santa Maria in Cosmedin

After a look around here, we walked up the side of the Tiber, crossing over Ponte Fabrico onto Isola Tiberina (a tiny island, with a hospital, in the middle of the Tiber) then over Ponte Crestio to Trastevere - an old part of Roma, housing the oldest church (St Maria). Here we stopped off at a lovely cafe for lunch. It was so nice to sit down in the shade - with a lovely cool breeze at times. St Maria's is a beautiful church. Like so many churches in Roma, many things were stolen/salvaged from other sites (such as the columns in the middle of the church - all different sizes & tops/bottoms). There are also some amazing mosiacs that have withsottod the years. Trastevere is a part of town that I feel requires more exploration in the future!

^ Ponte Fabrico, over the Tiber

After Trastevere, we crossed back over the Tiber to the historical city and went to have a look at the Pantheon (Santa Maria ad Martyres). I'd almost go as far as to say that this has to be one of, if not the, highlight of the city! Again, architecturally amazing! The ceiling (big dome) is made of concrete - but in order for it to withhold the weight of the concrete, a higher proportion of pumice was used the higher up it went. Considering this was done nearly two centuries ago - I'm speechless! In here is also where Raphael's tomb is.

^ The ceiling in the Pantheon - breathtaking!

^ One of the side streets by the Pantheon

[more photos will be added - this is a slow & painful process, bugger it all!]

We backtracked a wee bit and caught the bus to St Peter's. When we arrived (around 5pm-ish), I happened to notice that the temperature was 34deg. Not too bad. While there were times when I was sweltering in the heat, it's a much different heat to what I've ever experienced before and was fairly bearable.

Essentially, despite St Peter's being a beautiful building, I thought it was more a blatant glorification of the wealth of the Catholic Church. But that's just my take (being a complete heathen!). I had to pull my shorts down a wee bit before going into the church. Apparently, and I'd never heard this before, but Mandy filled me in on it, you're not supposed to show your bare shoulders or too much bare leg. I only pulled my shorts down a couple of inches so they were below my knees and that satisfied them :-) Again, in the church were items stolen from other churches (including the Pantheon). It was breathtaking standing outside the main door looking down through Piazza S. Pietro.

After St Peter's we made our way (via the bus) to the Spanish Steps. Instead of walking up them - we made our way from the top down. Not really sure what the big deal with these are - but I can say I've been there (which is close by the big name shopping area, apparently - meh). We then wandered around to the Trevi Fountain. I loved this. Even though I've seen pictures of it - it wasn't anything like I imagined. For starters, I'd never realised that it's built off a building (not a big stand alone fountain!). The sculptures are huge and very impressive. Never got photos from directly in front of it (too many people), but we did make our way down and threw the coins in. The thing I noticed about this area was that everyone was just so happy. It was truly a special part of the day in that respect.

We then wandered to the bus stop to get the last bus back to the Termini (by this stage it was around 7.30-8pm). Once back at the Termini, we strolled around to find where the hotel shuttle departed from (that I was picking up at 10.30pm) and then around some of the streets to find a nice restaurant (with outside dining) to have dinner. We found one just off the Termini (on the other side; but near Peter & Mandy's hotel) and had a thoroughly enjoyable meal there.

All of a sudden it was time for the shuttle back to the hotel, so off I went (getting back there just after 11pm). Had a quick shower and then fell into bed (after sorting out my stuff, seeing as I had to take it all with me 'cos I was checking out).

This rates up there as one of the absolute best days I've had and one of the best cities I've been to (not that I've been to many, mind).


Sunday, 15 July 2007

Roma! Day 1 (20/7)

'Tis funny. I was about to say that I was up at sparrow's fart this morning. In reality, I had an extra 10 minutes in bed. Weird. It felt earlier than usual. I guess it was 'cos I wasn't going to work? Who knows? I don't know how my brain's a weird thing.

So, up and off to the tube station. Instead of jumping on at Pimlico (just around the corner) I wandered up to Victoria (only a few minutes from home). I felt a wee bit stupid walking the streets in shorts & tee-shirt when it was about to piss down at some point...but hey, I was off to Roma! Why did I walk to Victoria then? A) I had to drop my rubbish in the skip, B) because it saved changing at Victoria anyway, and C) I never actually thought about it at the time! Jumped on the Circle line for two stops, then on Jubilee at Westminster, then changed to the DLR (don't ask what this stands for - it was the first time I'd been on could be Docklands Light Rail (or could not be!)) to London City Airport. The only thing I didn't like about this trip is that I was in the airport when I realised I hadn't swiped my Oyster Card - this means it's gonna cost me a lot more (don't know how much a lot more is; don't even know what the 'cheaper' rate is!).

Ended up being at the airport with time to spare before check-in, so bought a phrase book & some sunscreen (I'd forgotten to take mine). What a f**king waste of money that was! I forgot about them taking things over 100mls off you. No sooner had I bought it, then I'd had it confiscated. Bah humbug! Checked in and went and sat in the departure lounge. Had a look at the cost of a new iPod (yikes! more expensive than buying it in town! Duty Free my arse!). Started reading a book that I carried along with me.

The arrival of the plane we were to leave on was delayed - but they never actually announced this. The boarding time of 09.40 was still on the screens at 10.15...when we could board. Grr. 35 minutes of my time in Roma gone. But wait, it gets worse than that! The buggers waited until the doors had been closed before they announced that we'd lost our window not only out of London, but into Europe and we would have to wait until a new flight plan had been applied for and approved. Nearly 2 hours later, we were off (grr - more of my time eaten up!). Short of flying over England, it was a beautiful, clear flight. There wasn't a cloud to be seen over France or Italy (though I had no idea it was France or Italy below us!). Turns out that I was bloody lucky! This was the day of a massive downpour in London (so when I said earlier it looked like it would piss down, I was right!). Torrential rain in London. Found out on Monday that the boss told everyone to leave for home at 3.30pm because of the rain and the delays on the tube etc. I missed it - gosh, darn it all ;)

Anyhow, finally arrived in Roma around 4.30pm (not 1.40pm as originally scheduled - just to reiterate: grr). This wasn't too bad, as I had to get cash out and find my way to the Leonardo da Vinci Express (the train into town). Okay, so it's not difficult to find - follow the signs (or the people). I didn't get a stamp when I went through customs - I did ask :-( Got the Express to the Termini (main station). This was interesting as I got to see a different side to Rome - the poverty. There were a few 'tent cities' around, which was kinda sad to see. Also, there were lots of allotments, with run down sheds - but fantastic looking gardens. After arriving at the Termini about 30 minutes later, I then spent nearly an hour trying to find my way to the hotel. People were very friendly, but not very knowledgeable (this coming from he who forgot to try and figure out the way to the hotel in advance...). Had three different directions (one of which was totally wrong, apparently). In the end, this lady told me the quickest way was the tram. Jumped on it and asked the driver if it went past the hotel. He said it did, so I jumped on. We were going along Via Prenestina (the street the hotel was on) and then he turned off. I jumped off at this point and walked the 1.5km along Via Prenestina to the hotel. Finally got checked in around 6.30pm - all I'd seen by this point was the Termini and my way to the hotel. Pissed off.

Was meant to meet up with Peter & Mandy at 7pm - but I ended up cancelling as I wouldn't have made it back into town in time (this was before I worked out it's about an hour to get to the Termini from the hotel - hence me having such a cheap deal, huh). We agreed to meet up the next morning.

The hotel was well nice! It had only opened about a year ago, so was still in A-1 condition. I was in heaven there (especially after the wee walk in the heat) - God bless the man who invented air conditioning!!! One thing that made me chuckle a wee bit was the wall paper. It wasn't wall paper, but some kind of fabric - with a cushioning/padding behind it. It it wasn't for the fact that they gave me a key, I would've almost thought I was in a well-to-do loony bin ;-)

^ The room with the padded walls...

Had a lovely long shower (water pressure in the Cumberland Street flat had nothing on that in this place. Bliss. Oh, and the shower cubicle was almost bigger than my bathroom in London. I am not exaggerating! HUGE! Well, I do have a small bathroom ;-)

^ The huge bathroom

Anyway, ended up crashing early, figuring I was going to have a big day out tomorrow :-)


Week 22 (16/7 - 19/7)

Rightio - nice short entry this week as I'll put the rest of the week (trip to Roma) in a separate entry.

This week was another *yawn* one. Very quiet at work. Very quiet. I might've, if I was lucky, managed to do about three hours worth of work for the whole week. Maybe that's stretching it - more like two hours.

I did, however, do something I've not never done in NZ before - donated blood. It was an interesting experience. They tested my iron levels (watching blood sink in a green solution - fun!). The only complaint I have, and others shared my sentiments, is that they were so short staffed that it took a long time. I'd set aside an hour (as I had an examiners meeting to attend at 1pm). My appointment was at 11.45am. The vampires called me up to take the blood at 1.45pm! Then it only took a few minutes to drain me and they made me hang around for a bit in case I fainted. I didn't. I did want a nice cup of tea, but they wouldn't let me have one - something to do with my first time giving blood. What the???

I missed the meeting I was meant to be at. This annoyed me. Actually, what annoyed me was that I missed the lunch prior to the meeting starting! Grr.

Had I attended the meeting, I would've had more work to do... Given my boredom, this was a bad thing to miss out on. Such, as they say, is life.

Thursday I tried to clear all the work I had accumulated (haha). Nah. Thursday I pottered around annoying people (which is normal in the office). I knew I didn't have to go in the next day, so it was all good (for me, anyway). When I got home I figured it was time to throw some things into a bag for the weekend. That took me all of five minutes. It's amazing how little you really need to take with you when the temperature's supposed to be around the mid-30s! ;-)

So. A boring week summed up. There might've been something else in there, but this is written in retrospect and I honestly can't remember. If there was, it couldn't have been that exciting...I've forgotten it ;-)


Thursday, 12 July 2007

Week 21 (9/7 - 15/7)

Okay, it's official. I need to start back in my ways of long ago...before I had enough money to pay rent! I'm spending so much bloody money on dining out and drinking and...well, actually that's it. Monday night after work we went for a couple of drinkies. Of course, the more people there are, the more you drink (bloody rounds! What happened to just paying for your own drinks - lol). After drinks a couple of us headed out to find food (y'know, that necessary evil). Found a dirt cheap Chinese place just by work (kinda). The food was great for the price and we were very happy...until I had to spoil the mood. I happened to see the staff washing the dishes - in a bucket! Not only this, they were drying the cutlery with a tea-towel and bare hands. At the very least, wear gloves people. I refused, after that, to go back there (though if we're desperate for a cheap meal...).

Tuesday night I went out for dinner at a nice little place with Tamara...again, money I don't have - but it's fun! It really is! I think we got home around 11.30pm (on a school night, too!). I must try and find out the name of this place - it's well worth going back to!

On Wednesday we had a staff party. The entire college got the whole afternoon off to celebrate the centenary of the place. It kicked of at 2pm, but we had an office lunch first (where we were 'presented' with centenary mugs *oooh, ahhh*). It was rather funny - we were told we could stay for as long as we wanted. My plan (as was the case with most in the office) was to stay for about 5 minutes (to be seen), then piss off home (via a damned shoe shop). Best laid plans and all... It turned out to be a lovely day (weather-wise) and quite fun over all. They had set up three different areas with different activities. Outside our office was the 'fun fair' - complete with carousel and side-show activities and street performers. There was also a big marquee set up for 'high tea' - lots of alcohol & food stalls. Next area had more alcohol & food stalls (not many) and croquet, mini golf & lawn bowls. The third area was by far the bestest! They had live music. Not sure what kicked the day off, but there was an Elvis impersonator (who, despite the Brit accent when he talked, was brilliant), 'Rubber Soul' (playing R&B/Motown stuff), a Beatles cover band (also very good), an 80's revival set (also good), and 'Fake That' (cover of Take That; I didn't stay for these guys). Events ran from 2pm - 8pm, and a few of us called it quits around 7pm and went to the pub for a couple of drinks (leaving around 11pm-ish; I know, another late night on a school night! ;) ). There will be some piccys coming - but not for another couple of days, as I can't be arsed downloading them from the camera ;)

I don't quite remember Thursday - except that we went up to High St Kensington (finally getting some new work shoes - not looking forward to the pain and agony of breaking them in!) and had Japanese for lunch with Aidan & Paula (talk about a comedy and a half!). No alcohol that day. Actually, none on Friday either (despite a pub lunch). Went out for drinks after work on Thursday (hmm, so there was alcohol on Thursday - sue me for everything I'm not worth...). After work on Friday, I was a wee bit knackered. I didn't realise this until yesterday morning. I fell asleep not long after getting home on Friday...waking up on Saturday morning. About 13 hours sleep - not bad... I guess that's what happens after so many late nights on school nights ;)

Yesterday (Saturday), I wandered into Blackfriars & met up with Fariha (from work) and we went to have a laugh at the "art" in the Tate Modern. I'm surprised I didn't make it on the national news. A headline like "New Zealander murders tourists: "They just pissed me off"" would not have been far from the truth! Why? Why must they take up the whole pavement and then all stop in unison to take photos of insignificant things (like the parliament buildings; Big Ben; Westminster Cathedral, etc?). Fariha said it was my fault for walking the tourist route...but it was meant to have been the quickest way (short of taking the tube; but a 40 minute walk I thought would do me more good - just not around tourists). Luckily, it was so much fun taking the piss out of what is called "art" these days that I forgot about my frustration with tourist - kind of. Totally didn't get most of the art; but I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea (it's not even my glass of water!). From here it was to a cafe on the Southbank for lunch (okay, so it was about 3.30pm by the time we had lunch). Then to Leicester Square, where we got tickets to Little Shop of Horrors. Off to a pub for dinner (well, a bowl of chips and a few pints). Little Shop was good...but I have to say, I liked the Audrey II plant they use in NZ much more than what they used here. Over all, it was a brilliant show!

Today was a more subdued day. Up, laundry, 2hr walk, home, shower, groceries and then general house-bitching things (like the damned ironing! ARRGH!). Luckily, I managed to get the ironing that I would've left for next weekend done (seeing as I'm off to Roma on Friday, this is a good thing). Had a wee move around of furniture (I can only really move 2 things, so it was a wee move around!).

Now, I shall off and do my dishes before getting ready for school in the morning. Oh, that reminds me! I'm not liking working in a university. I now have three lecturers/Professors asking me on a semi-regular basis how my PhD is coming along! Arrgh. It's a conspiracy against me! ;)



So, it turns out that someone has been saving entries as drafts instead of clicking on the "publish post" button. Thank God for that! I was worried that I'd have to make up silly(er) little stories for the last three weeks (remembering yesterday is bad enough!).

Thanks Dot for pointing this out.

Now, if only I could stop saving drafts with my emails as well...


Saturday, 7 July 2007

Week 20 (2/7 - 8/7)

Had a chat to the boss (at his request) on Monday. Turns out he's happy with me and is dead keen for me to stay on until at least the end of April next year (which, incidentally, is when I'd have to stop working on my current visa anyway). One of the big bonuses is that I'd no longer be a mere temp - I'd get a contract! Why is this a big bonus? Well, let me tell you. Students and staff get a 10% discount on things at the cafe downstairs (and over in the other building) when they swipe their cards. Temps, however, don't :( Temps have to also pay more for the use of the gym (which, until I started with the badminton, didn't bother me). The big thing is that it means I get put on a proper salary structure! This could mean, if I can get what Aidan is on (preferably more around a 30-34k pay (well over 100 quid a week more in hand than what I get now!). Not sure if this is actually accurate or not, but it'll be a chance to negotiate, anyway! Plus, the new role I take over is a leadership one - whoo!

Oh, also, since I have to use the return part of my ticket home by mid-February, the boss is talking about paying for a new ticket if I don't go home (therefore losing the return ticket I paid for). Such a bonus, n'est pas!

This week has been an ultra social week! Lunched out every day except Monday; and dined out every night except Friday! Wednesday was the best day though. Shirley was over from home, so we had a three-hour lunch (it was really good to catch up with her); then went out to my favourite curry house with about 7 others from work in the evening. All up I reckon I've spent nearly 120 quid on food/alcohol - all worth it though (esp. if I get a decent salary on contract!).

There've been many quiet days at work. This has been most excellent for surfing and generally taking the piss out of people in the office. Apparently, the "interactive art" (me) is getting a bit lippy, which isn't part of the display (so I was told) ;) (Oh, I'm the interactive art because of where my desk is currently located - people walk past and poke me, push me, prod me, ruffle my hair, talk to me, pull my chair out, push my chair in...). It's all good though! I must keep reminding them that this interactive piece is moving at the end of the month ;)

Anyhow, bored now (and there's that sun stuff outside that is more interesting than the computer).


Week 19 (25/6 - 1/7)

WOW! It's the start of July already! Who'd've thunked that time would fly so quickly?

Following all of last week's excitement, what with exam invigilation (I really do hate that word), this week was bound to be quieter. It was fairly much back to normal, in fact. Going into work and wondering what the bloody hell they pay me for (short of surfing the web and going for pub lunches).

It wasn't really that bad. I did spend a lot of time helping the exams team out. Preparing for the big Year 5 medical exams. Was quite fun for a change. Lots of paper shuffling and sorting things out. It kept me on my toes, as there is no room for error in working with exams (for obvious reasons - though someone might just need to tell the registry here that ;) ).

One of the perks of working for the exams team ended up being invited out for a free dinner on Thursday night :D Okay, it was only to the Rector's Residence (about three steps up from our office!), but it was rather posh (and then some). Before dinner, instead of going home, a couple of us went to the staff pub for a couple of drinks. Dinner, like I said, was quite posh. Scottish salmon & quail eggs for starters (I didn't touch the salmon, but I did try the quail eggs (just like normal eggs, only smaller). The main was a beautiful piece of peppered lamb (the peppered part I thought sounded a bit odd - but it was delicious!). Dessert was a fresh fruit salad, with Greek yoghurt. With the exception of the melon, it was divine! Throughout the evening the waiters kept coming around and topping up the wine glasses (when you got to around half a glass) - end result, we really had no idea how much we were drinking. The red wine wasn't really anything to write home about, but the white was rather nice.

Over the weekend my plan was to go into town and pick up some new shoes & jeans. Didn't happen. I hate going to buy clothes, and the thought of buying shoes makes me want to string myself up. So I didn't. I'm going to have to go next weekend though, as I desperately need new trainers and work shoes (and socks and jeans). I have no idea where I'll go, but I'm sure somewhere in London sells clothes & shoes ;)

On the plus side of the weekend, I did book a weekend to Roma (just have to hope & pray that the boss lets me have the Friday off - haha). Two nights in Roma - very much looking forward to seeing some of the exciting sights they have. Not sure if I'll go to the Vatican yet. Me and religion don't see eye-to-eye, so might be safer if I don't go ;)
