Hmm, if you hadn't noticed, I'm starting to get behind with all these entries. Luckily I am jotting down notes - I've just got to get back to them at some stage and expand on the notes a wee bit, then upload them. Oh well.
Quiet week to start with - not much happening.
Mon night went to see The Rose Tattoo (a play by Tennessee Williams), starring Zoe Wannamaker. Very good - though part of the storyline seemed a wee bit redundant to me (2.5hrs!!!). Only 10 quid and had excellent seats (not just for the price as was the case last week - but excellent seats in general!).
Felt the need for a drink after work on Tuesday, so we went to the Holland Club and had a couple. This, of course, lead to heading out for dinner afterwards. I'm seriously contemplating giving up buying groceries for the flat. I would be lucky if I cook one night a week at home these days! All I need to get is my fruit, lunch and breakfast stuff and I'll be right - should almost halve my weekly grocery spending ;)
Wednesday came and I started the new part of my job (management, apparently). I'm now doing the work of two full-time positions (and am still totally bored, but let's not mention this to the boss!) - kind of sounds like my old job back home ;) I think they're easing me into it slowly. Nobody asked me to do anything :( Somehow I can't see this lasting...
...nope. Didn't last. First thing on Thursday morning I was faced with about three queries about things I had no idea about. I managed to BS my way through them though, keeping everyone happy :) I spent most of Thursday arvo in the "secret room" going through archives that are being sent away. They keep exam scripts for 7 years here! What a waste of time/space. Nearly 200 archive boxes are being sent off to another campus for storage. Nobody thinks that any scripts etc have been requested in the last few years, so really, what's the point?
Friday saw us head off for drinks yet again - at lunch and after work. Lunchtime drinks were with the exams team (a kind of way to thank me for my help with things). After work was a "just 'cos" reason. We felt like a couple, so we buggered of for a couple. Fast becoming a habit. I feel all my weight is piling back on because of the alcohol consumption. One thing to do. Stop eating ;) haha
The weekend was beautiful & sunny. Spent it relaxing & reading. Well good. Sunday got poxy with the computer and also spent nearly 5 hours trying to sort it out (which I did successfully, I might add). I think that at some point I may have switched off the firewall and because I leave the thing on 24/7, somehow someone may have got into my machine. It's all working good again now, so I can breathe a sigh of relief (and remind myself not to turn off the firewall for any reason!).
Quiet week to start with - not much happening.
Mon night went to see The Rose Tattoo (a play by Tennessee Williams), starring Zoe Wannamaker. Very good - though part of the storyline seemed a wee bit redundant to me (2.5hrs!!!). Only 10 quid and had excellent seats (not just for the price as was the case last week - but excellent seats in general!).
Felt the need for a drink after work on Tuesday, so we went to the Holland Club and had a couple. This, of course, lead to heading out for dinner afterwards. I'm seriously contemplating giving up buying groceries for the flat. I would be lucky if I cook one night a week at home these days! All I need to get is my fruit, lunch and breakfast stuff and I'll be right - should almost halve my weekly grocery spending ;)
Wednesday came and I started the new part of my job (management, apparently). I'm now doing the work of two full-time positions (and am still totally bored, but let's not mention this to the boss!) - kind of sounds like my old job back home ;) I think they're easing me into it slowly. Nobody asked me to do anything :( Somehow I can't see this lasting...
...nope. Didn't last. First thing on Thursday morning I was faced with about three queries about things I had no idea about. I managed to BS my way through them though, keeping everyone happy :) I spent most of Thursday arvo in the "secret room" going through archives that are being sent away. They keep exam scripts for 7 years here! What a waste of time/space. Nearly 200 archive boxes are being sent off to another campus for storage. Nobody thinks that any scripts etc have been requested in the last few years, so really, what's the point?
Friday saw us head off for drinks yet again - at lunch and after work. Lunchtime drinks were with the exams team (a kind of way to thank me for my help with things). After work was a "just 'cos" reason. We felt like a couple, so we buggered of for a couple. Fast becoming a habit. I feel all my weight is piling back on because of the alcohol consumption. One thing to do. Stop eating ;) haha
The weekend was beautiful & sunny. Spent it relaxing & reading. Well good. Sunday got poxy with the computer and also spent nearly 5 hours trying to sort it out (which I did successfully, I might add). I think that at some point I may have switched off the firewall and because I leave the thing on 24/7, somehow someone may have got into my machine. It's all working good again now, so I can breathe a sigh of relief (and remind myself not to turn off the firewall for any reason!).