Sunday, 15 July 2007

Week 22 (16/7 - 19/7)

Rightio - nice short entry this week as I'll put the rest of the week (trip to Roma) in a separate entry.

This week was another *yawn* one. Very quiet at work. Very quiet. I might've, if I was lucky, managed to do about three hours worth of work for the whole week. Maybe that's stretching it - more like two hours.

I did, however, do something I've not never done in NZ before - donated blood. It was an interesting experience. They tested my iron levels (watching blood sink in a green solution - fun!). The only complaint I have, and others shared my sentiments, is that they were so short staffed that it took a long time. I'd set aside an hour (as I had an examiners meeting to attend at 1pm). My appointment was at 11.45am. The vampires called me up to take the blood at 1.45pm! Then it only took a few minutes to drain me and they made me hang around for a bit in case I fainted. I didn't. I did want a nice cup of tea, but they wouldn't let me have one - something to do with my first time giving blood. What the???

I missed the meeting I was meant to be at. This annoyed me. Actually, what annoyed me was that I missed the lunch prior to the meeting starting! Grr.

Had I attended the meeting, I would've had more work to do... Given my boredom, this was a bad thing to miss out on. Such, as they say, is life.

Thursday I tried to clear all the work I had accumulated (haha). Nah. Thursday I pottered around annoying people (which is normal in the office). I knew I didn't have to go in the next day, so it was all good (for me, anyway). When I got home I figured it was time to throw some things into a bag for the weekend. That took me all of five minutes. It's amazing how little you really need to take with you when the temperature's supposed to be around the mid-30s! ;-)

So. A boring week summed up. There might've been something else in there, but this is written in retrospect and I honestly can't remember. If there was, it couldn't have been that exciting...I've forgotten it ;-)


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