Sunday, 5 August 2007

Week 27 (20/8 - 26/8)

Work-wise, this was just a normal, run-of-the-mill week. Nothing exciting sprung up and surprised me. In saying that, it was Sammy's last week. That was a bit of a bummer. Sammy makes the office a fun place - give her sugar or coffee and she's like a madman - in a good way. Ahh well, the nature of working in an office where they hire millions of temps!

Actually, I lie! Something did jump up and surprise me at work! Things seemed to be going OK - with the exception of forgetting to upload a file onto the Intranet and some shit going down around that (neither here nor there, really). Apparently some students booked a rugby tour around dates on the Intranet - dates that collided with some big exams! I tried to take the blame for this (only natural seeing as how I never uploaded the file), but turns out that there are several variations of the same document (looked after by several different people) and even if I had uploaded it, the other ones would've been wrong. Bloody hell - what a kerfuffle!

Wednesday night we went out for drinks for Sammy's leaving do. Drinks at the Holland Club (the staff pub at work where drinks are mightily cheap) and then off for a meal down by the South Kensington tube station. Only about 6 of us went for the meal, so it was quite good - pretty much "Sammy's Crew", as she likes to refer to us (rude much ;) ). Aidan managed to pop his head in, so it was good to catch up with him again (it'd only been a couple of weeks, but still).

Thursday and Friday were kind of social days around the office - Sammy's last couple of days. Thursday we went out for lunch with her replacement - just to get to know her and show her that there are some fun people in the office ;) Friday we went out again for lunch (hmm, detecting any patterns here?). At lunch on Friday Sammy and I were asked if we missed anything from home. We both agreed that we missed people, but nothing really specific (though Sammy said she missed the beaches). About ten minutes later, I announced that I also missed good service in places - coming moments just after I called a waitress a 'stupid tart' for screwing up our orders (this was on top of them taking nearly an hour to get our meals - most of which were only bowls of wedges!). Not a happy camper then ;)

The weekend saw me veg out in the sun. Read a couple of books and relaxed ('cos my life is just so stressful). So much for spending the long weekend working on my thesis. To be honest, I really couldn't be arsed (or, on the off-chance that Jeff happens to be reading this, then I was extremely busy working hard and missing out on all the brilliant sunshine ;) ).


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