Friday, 23 February 2007

Happy birthday to me...I'm not twenty-three... (23/2)

I'm 30 now. Joy. Thanks to all those who emailed me to say happy birthday. Thanks also to those of you who didn't (not meant sarcastically - I'm just picking you realised my absolute dislike of my birthday and said nothing; I take no offence at that :) ). When I popped into the bank to get my PIN number (which wasn't bloody there in the end!), the lady said "Oh, it's your birthday today". I told her there must be a bug in the computer, it couldn't possibly be my birthday. She apologised, then went off to get my PIN (that wasn't there). When she came back, she handed me back my passport that I'd given her for ID and said to be careful with it - it's got the same bug as the computer. I couldn't help but laugh! She was a good sort. She helped me withdraw money manually (I could've done it on my own, but she filled out something on the back of the slip saying she personally knew me). She also watched me fill out the form and take it to the teller...and laughed when the teller told me to go somewhere else to get the money. I wrote that I wanted 250 dollars, not pounds. The nice lady knew this and just watched to see everyone's reactions. Grr ;) While I was at the bank, and the lady was off getting my PIN (which, as we all know wasn't there) I got a phone call from some lady about a job I applied for online only about an hour earlier. She wants to meet with me on Monday! Whoo! It's not a job I really want, but the money sounds OK for doing something mindless (though maybe not as much so as I think...). It's a "PowerPoint Presentation Administrator" - I'm not kidding! They want someone full time to do PowerPoint presentations. C' hard can it be? At about £24k/year (possibly as much as £30k/year), who would I be to say no if offered it? If she likes me, she'll arrange an interview with her clients and me where I might have to do some kind of "test". Fingers crossed. Had a couple of rejection emails about jobs. Not bothering me - I don't remember really which ones they were, so easy come easy go, yeah.

For my birthday treat (no, I didn't spend a penny on it) I changed my mind and decided not to go to the Renoir exhibition (will do that later), instead I went to the V&A. Three bloody hours got away on me there - and there's still so much I want to see. Another place added to my list of places to go back to. Also popped my nose (and the rest of me, too) into the Science Museum. Wasn't too interested in it (not being science-minded) but went it 'cos it was close to the V&A. Guess what? It's also being added to the list of places to go back to. So many interesting things there...and that was only on the first floor!

I did call a few places about flats. A couple were let already, but I'm going to view a couple tomorrow (one at 10.45 and one at 2.30). The first one's the one that I liked the sound of the most. Looked it up on the map and bugger me, it's only a few minutes from where the hotel is. I thought it was on the other side of town. There goes my theory of knowing my way around - lol.

Oh, and while I remember...that lady yesterday who I *tried* to help find the street gave the wrong bloody name! Instead of ABC St, it's actually *Gt* ABC St...and it is where she thought it was supposed to be. If only I knew then what I know now...

When I came back to the hotel before, I stepped out of the tube station and lo and behold, the skies opened upon me (and every one else who was in the street too). Walking the short walk from the tube to the hotel I got absolutely soaked...on the day I chose not to take my jacket with me. Bloody Murphy and his laws ;)

Okay, that's just reminded me of two things. The first - last night was my first proper night's sleep since I arrived. Went to bed around 11.30pm and woke up around 7am. It was great! None of this waking up at 3am lark. I hope I can do the same for the next couple of days too. I noticed in the mirror before that it looks like I have two shiners - I mean, I *do* have two shiners - big black rings under my eyes (which have been playing up the last couple of days, this could also be to blame for the rings - might have to take my contacts out and just wear glasses). The second thing: why must they put mirrors on the walls in hotel bathrooms? Not just a standard mirror, but one that takes up the full wall? What's worse is that it's the wall behind the loo - this is when I noticed the big black rings - and opposite the shower? I suppose it might give the illusion of a larger room (god knows, this bathroom couldn't be any smaller), but still. I object!

Well, that's it. The thrilling day that was my birthday (only another year before the next one - how the years fly by).


1 comment:

Caffeinated Weka said...

Happy big one! Ha ha - it bloody hurts, doesn't it! Still, it's better that it hurts on the other side of the world and where only bank staff can hassle you. :-P