Sunday, 29 April 2007

Week 10 (23 - 29 April)

A very social week was had. I'm re-realising that social = expensive. But this week, I couldn't care less. I. Have. Money. Again. Yes, you read correctly. No more stressing about whether or not I'll be able to afford to pay the rent or not. Those days are behind me (now all I have to do is pay back the money on my credit card & money borrowed; used for last month's rent). Life is good again; there is equilibrium in the world. Remember, as I keep having to remind my sister (though I'm thinking that the message is finally sinking in): Me. World. Revolve. (and the hand gestures that go with; hand gestures that do not involve flicking the bird towards me, just by the way).

Seriously, it was really just another day in the office. Nothing exciting happened. If it did, I wasn't involved (or, more realistically, I just don't remember). Went to yet another meeting on Tuesday. This was at Hammersmith Hospital. For those of you who don't know where this is: welcome to my world. I think it's over there *waving hands around like a madman*. I know we went up the road that cuts through Hyde Park, and then along Bayswater Road...after that - no idea. I should've paid attention, but that's not one of my better skills ;) Oh, we were de-collating exam papers for three days, well, three afternoons. Not the funnest job on the planet. Cutting the staple off and then separating pages of the exam books to go to the different examiners. Found out on Friday that the fun continues - they get re-collated. Oh joy of joys.

Wednesday was ANZAC Day, just in case those of you in Australia or NZ forgot you had a day off during the middle of the week. I wanted to go to the dawn service, but the idea of having to get out of bed around 4am to get to Hyde Park Corner by 4.45am really had no appeal to me. Even less given that I would've had to go to work still... I miss either climbing out onto my fire escape, or just lying in bed listening to the service (which I'd been doing for the last 5 years!). Instead, the antipodeans in the office (N=4) all went out to the Walkabout (again, joy of joys) and did the whole 'antipodean' thing there. Felt sorry for the poor bugger who played the last post. I'm not musical by any means, but I could just about count all the correct notes on one hand. Really, really, really bad. The room was full of sniggering. What pissed a large number of people off (myself included, but I'm easily pissed off...) was that there was this f**king Saffa having a phone conversation during the minute's silence. Not impressed.

Friday saw the office go out for drinks after work. One of the other temps finished last Friday, so this was the farewell do for her. A good night was had. Funny thing; when I asked for a pint of Guinness (felt in the Guinness mood) the bloke behind the bar said, "Oh, an antipodean. You'll be wanting it cold then?". I was sort of taken aback and caught myself from saying, "No. Couldn't think of anything worse. Could you nuke it in the microwave for about a minute." I instead just said yes. I've discovered that many Pom's don't quite understand (or maybe appreciate is a better word) sarcasm. Oh well. I had a cold pint (or several).

On Saturday I thought I'd go for a wander to the Camden markets. In my head this was only about a 40 minute walk. Yeah, not quite. Turned out to be over an hour. This meant over an hour to get back (clever of me to work that out, huh!). Worse. It was in the middle of the day, so it was hot. Even worse than that...tourists were out (I'm classifying myself as a local; I didn't stop in the middle of the street to consult my map every three steps). It was a good day otherwise. It's so nice to go walking in the sun! Walking through St James Park on the way home, it was just awash with people lying out in the sun. I keep forgetting that they don't have their own sections to do that in. Most of the grassy areas were covered in people. When I finally got home, I checked the BBC weather site (a regular page to consult) and was aghast to see that there was rain and thunderstorms for the upcoming week. When I checked before, those terrible images have been replaced with smiling sunshines again...phew!

This week I'll be booking a couple of coach trips for next weekend (since it's a bank holiday weekend). On Saturday I hope to spend time with Alison & David Grant, so obviously won't go anywhere then. Sunday I'm thinking of a day trip to Brighton; Monday a day trip to Cambridge. They're in different directions (I think), so that's OK.

Yeah. Think that's about all for this week. I do need to jot down notes rather than trying to rely on my memory (that's just a stupid thing to do).

Rightio. Time to sign out (though signing out means doing long as I'm at the computer, they're behind me and I can't see them...).


Sunday, 22 April 2007

Week 9 (16-22 April)

Okay - did anyone happen to see the days of this week? They just vanished. *poof* Just like that. One minute it's Monday (bah, no one likes Mondays...unless it's not the first day of your working week), the next it's Sunday. Amazing. In saying that, I vaguely remember parts of the week. For example, Monday (only 'cos, like I said, no one likes it!). Was at work for about 10 minutes before ended up walking to Charing Cross with Richard, the boss, for a meeting there. It was another hour walk today, so I'm happy. I'm enjoying getting out and going for these walks. Why? Who the hell knows? Maybe it's because I'm actually seeing the result of losing a wee bit of weight and it's encouraging me to go out and lose more (hopefully about another 50kgs - that'd make me a wee bit lighter, but knowing my luck, they'll change the goal posts and I'll need to lose 100kgs just to fall within the "healthy" range - bah!). I do hope I can lose quite a bit more - if I went home with a lot of weight lost and still broke, then I'll be happy. But to go home just as fat as I was and broke - no. No! No! No!

It was a waste of time being at that meeting. I said about two things, and that was it. In saying that, the penny dropped about a few things, so that was good. And I had a good, long chat with Richard on the way hopefully it means I'll be employed until I leave ;) After the meeting, I was secretly hoping we wouldn't walk back to the office - it was about 11am and a hell of a lot hotter than when we set out at about 8.10! Luckily, we caught a bus. Seriously, being in the bus made me realise that I had absolutely no idea where the hell we were or where we were going! I kinda felt that walking to Charing Cross in the first place - it felt like we'd walked in a big circle just to get to where we were going - obviously, we didn't...

Limited company is now all sorted and rearing to go. First pay goes in this week...kinda sucks that I now won't be paid on Fridays - well, the money will go into the business account on Fridays, but won't go into my account until the Monday or Tuesday. Stupid banking system they have here! Nevermind - as long as I get paid, that's all that matters!

The weather has been so amazingly great of late. Long may it continue - that's all on that.

Oh, work. I've been charged with more design work. Cool. This time a couple of posters. I've done one already - it's just a silly one to give to Aidan (he gave me a pic of himself and challenged me to use it in something I was working on... I must tell them not to challenge me - challenging me means that I *have* to do it. Telling me I have to do it is like saying "if you feel like it". I'm strange like that. Strangeness runs in our family. This is very true. All you need to do is look at my parents, brother and sisters! Okay, I really wouldn't recommend looking at my father or brother - I think they still frown upon people being dug up these days). I've lost my train of thought again. This happens a lot. Especially when I'm in the habit of not thinking. Arrgh.

I was going to go and get some art this weekend...but am thinking about it before I buy it. Lots of things to consider - the number one being: do I *really* want it. I think I do, but decided that I shall wait one more week. If on Friday I still want it, I shall get it. How odd is that - I never think things through! I never think! Hmm, wonder if it's all the stupidity that's been wearing off on me over here that's making me feel the urge to think... Life throwing another curve ball, p'haps.

Anyway...I'd better do the housebitch chores... A small place gets just as messy as a large one I've discovered. You can't tell me it's proportional - it really isn't! Oh, and I'm sitting on an uncomfortable bit of the couch and my bum's getting sore. Speaking of sore bums, I'm seriously contemplating learning how to roller blade. People don't know me here, so falling on my arse every five seconds shouldn't be too much of an embarassment (he says trying to reassure himself).

So, that's all for this week. Might send out another mass email. That should mean I get some replies and therefore have something to do at work...

After 9 weeks here, it's safe to say that I'm still very much enjoying my time here. Granted, haven't done anything exciting - but the wheels are now in motion and plans are being made.


Please, don't feel that you have to miss me... Hmm, maybe I should rephrase that - please don't feel that you have to forget me. Just 'cos I'm not in your face all the time, I'm still around and just as annoying, erm, I didn't mean annoying - I'm not annoying, I'm something that's not annoying... You know that word I'm thinking of! Umm...okay - can't think of it, but it's not annoying. I'm not annoying. Much.


PS: I just realised that I didn't put last Sunday's entry up - so you didn't know I'd given up on the daily shit. Oops. My bad. I'm over it.

PPS: It was my brother's birthday on Monday. I didn't say happy birthday to him. Would've been a waste of my breath. Ever since he up & died he's stopped talking to his family. That's gratitude for you isn't it? We put up with him from birth to death and he chooses to snub us. Granted, for me it was less than others - but that was just the luck of being the youngest. Still. Rudeness much! ;)

Two months down... (15/4)

Well, I've kept these going daily for two entire months. The novelty has well and truly gone. I reckon that, unless something exciting happens in my life (ha bloody ha), I'm going to start doing weekly recaps (an idea stolen from Cass) from now on. Also, it means that Chris won't need to waste so many trees printing out my tripe and sending it down to mother (who WILL be getting the Internet AND using it when I go back home! ;) ). prizes for guessing how today started. Up, laundry and off for a walk, becoming somewhat of a regular routine (but like I've said, the absolute BEST time to get the washing machine is 7am on a Sunday morning!). I have to say, I really am enjoying going for the walk. The fact that at that hour of the morning there's not much to do around the flat is forcing me to go out. Have been enjoying doing laps around St James's Park, but will be seeking out some new routes soon - maybe on the other side of the Thames - haven't done much exploring over the Vauxhall Bridge, so that could be this weekend's trip.

Jaysus, she's been bloody warm the last few days. Yesterday was about 25 degrees; today about 26 or 27! I'm nearly melting away - haven't done any cooking for God knows how long now - it's just too damn hot to turn the stove or oven on! Investing in a fan could be a good thing if this is a sign of what summer's going to be like! I couldn't be arsed doing anything today, given the heat, so just went and found a nice wee spot in the park (in the shade) and chilled there reading my book. Very, very relaxing (not to the point of falling asleep - there were too many kids making noise about for that).

So, there we have it. The end of the daily ramblings - they'll now become weekly ramblings ;)


Happy Birthday Nana Thelma (14/4)

Woke up at some point in the night and must've been a bit thirsty. The two bottles of water in the fridge were only one and a half when I finally surfaced, which just happened to be around 9am-ish. Thought I'd have a quick look online to see if there were any decent-looking jobs going. Nah, not really, but there was one that I'll throw my name in for. So...out comes the million and one variations of my CV to copy and paste...and nearly five bloody hours later, I'm bored with the process and realise that the day's just about over and I haven't even showered or done anything but work on a silly job application. Some of them are just so time consuming! Maybe, if I get a real job I'll never have to do another CV or job application ever again. *sigh* I know, dreams are free ;)

The sun is fair belting down outside today - had a look on the BBC site and turns out we're expecting 25! Lubbly jubbly. No wonder it was feeling warm in this wee room I call home.

I think that I might need to seriously consider the possibility that I might need a new ipod. My ipod shuffle died sometime between leaving Dunedin and arriving in London, so it won't be coming back home with me. And as for my ipod - I've know for a wee while that it's pretty much on its last legs. It doesn't hold enough charge to get me from home to work and back again - and that's with having it off from when I arrive at work until I leave! I'd really like to get a new one, but they seem quite pricey over here - more than at home (or that might just be my poor currency conversion skills). The other option could be to spend £30 on a 2GB memory card for my phone - that way I'll at least be able to put a couple of hundred songs onto it... But the ipod will hold *everything* (8000+) and not *just* a couple of hundred. Not that I really listen to everything - but it's nice to know that if I wanted to, I could. I dunno. We shall see what happens. Now that I'm walking to work, it's an issue. Wouldn't be if I was on the tube (why? who knows?).


Saturday, 14 April 2007

Ohhh, Friday the 13th (13/4)

Yeah, 'cos Friday the 13th's so unlucky. Not. Well, I guess it kinda was. No one wanted to be at work today, so that was unlucky for us all ;)

I have to say, I'm really enjoying walking into work each day. So, it's only been two days and the novelty's bound to wear off soon, but let's make hay whilst the sun shines (and boy, has it been shining lately!). Looking forward to the weekend (kinda). We're supposed to be getting something like 23 tomorrow and 21 on Sunday. Don't know if that'll hold out or not, but we'll see.

I was pottering around online after I got home today and found this tour of Egypt that I AM going to do - even if it kills me financially (hopefully it won't). It's only something like £350 for 10 days (plus airfares to Egypt, which are around the £200-ish mark - just quickly looking). Might 'plot' the last couple of months on a calendar so I know what I'm doing (and when I won't be working - I kinda hope that if this job lasts until I leave for NZ, that it's only temping and not contract as contract will mean I don't get to take the time off to go anywhere - unless I arranged, say a contract to the first week of October and took three weeks off during the contract and worked right up to leaving - that could kinda work, though hurts my head). Meh.

Had a surprise call from Chris! (Yay - I can now add something else to this very brief entry) She had nothing to say, and I had even less... So that killed nearly two hours ;) As per usual, a lot of shit was spoken. I'm hoping I might've convinced her to come over for a holiday in August (fingers crossed).

Well, on that note. Given it's late (for me, anyway), I'm going to bed.


Thursday, 12 April 2007

I am going to kill someone!!! (12/4)

There is an alarm going off somewhere nearby. It is driving me mental! It's been going constantly since I arrived hour and a half ago. I'd shut my window to block out the noise, but it's too hot in the flat and I need the air circulating. My head is starting to hurt from it. Wonder how long, besides too long, it's been going for?

Back to work today. After working out that it'll take me 40 mins to walk to work, I left at 7.30am (giving myself a wee bit of extra time). I was there just on 8am. Don't know how, but I screwed up my calculations there. So, it takes about the same time to walk to work as it does to go on the tube. Ironic, huh. At a time when I was broke, I could've actually saved myself nearly £100 by walking and not tubing. I wasn't going to get a tube pass this week, but I've got three meetings next week at different campuses to where I am, so I'm picking that the tube will be easier in that respect! Must find out where the hell these places actually are, too! Anyhow, the walk to and from work was brilliant. I didn't feel that I was rushing; quite leisurely. Yay for that discovery.

At work, Erica said about how once my contract with Graduate Entry is up she'll be snaffling my time up. I asked when the contract was up (as I don't know this). She didn't know either - but she said that she wasn't going to let me go as her team needs me. We laughed afterwards about how I wasn't allowed to leave. I did say that once they stop giving me money to turn up, I was going to. It was agreed that I made a fair enough comment ;) The desk I now reside in is with the examinations team - they're bloody noisy buggers, but funny too. Not quite sure what happens if I'm still around when the new guy (permanent) starts...guess it'll be back to the 'hot desk' for me :( I did discover today that my phone extension isn't in any loop. This is good. This means that I can't pick up anyone else's phone if they're not at their desk. haha - chalk one up for me! Yay. Worked on the display banners today. Getting sick of trying to find photos that I'm happy with - but just about there!

What else? Ahh, my limited company is just about all sorted out now. Next week will be my first pay through that (how thrilling - there'll only be two days work!). At least I should get an extra couple of quid in the bank each week. Be able to pay back the money owed on the credit card and start putting some aside for the travel. Speaking of travel, don't know if I mentioned this, but the other day I had a look at tours and such in Europe. They're cheaper than I thought they'd be. The cheapest I found to Turkey (6 days, excluding travel to/from Istanbul & sundry things) was £130. Not bad I thought. So now excited about this prospect again ;)
I'm going to go and heat some soup for dinner now. Been nice catching up again.


PS: will pop all these up after dinner - getting slack again, huh!

To PhD or not to PhD, that is the question (11/4)

The answer is not so simple. Yes. I will PhD today. Just made a start on it (having not charged my mobile for a while and it dying on me through the night, I slept in and didn't start as early as planned) when Antoinette came online. Well, it would be rude of me not to chat to her, wouldn't about 4 hours later, I made a start on my PhD again. Managed to get quite a bit done, and am getting into the whole idea again (yeah, I know. I should be "into the whole idea" all the time, but it's only a filler-in for me - not my life).

Chatted online to Kirsty (well funny chat too - insane, but well funny...she's as mad as I am insane ;) ). Cooked dinner. Burnt dinner. Ate dinner (but not the burnt bits). Cleaned up the mess. Lost interest in doing dishes half way through so called the old girl (seeing as Em sent a text asking if it was still OK to park up on Mum's drive while she went to Stewart Island) and wasted 3/4 of an hour. Chatted online again, then hit the sack (knowing full well that I had to be up for work).

Another thrilling day in the life of me. Bored? Yeah, welcome to my world ;)


Eureka (10/4)

Found this website today that allows you to plug in a route (for me, walking) and tells you how far it actually is. If, by chance, I have lost weight, it's no wonder! My Sunday morning damned-washing-machine-takes-forever-to-do-its-thing walks, which I didn't think were terribly far, are in fact 6.4 miles! Yay for me. I then plotted my route to work (walking, not the tube one) and it's about 2.3 miles (so if I walk to and from work each day, it's about 4.5 miles). I'm going to get fit if it kills me (and given the number of fit people that die each year, it most likely will. I have it on good authority that Death isn't picky). Not bad for me...that's something like about 30 miles a week I'll be walking (so about...I dunno - I had it sorted in my head the other day, maybe about 45km? If not 45, then less. Arrgh, why can't the English move to a *normal* measurement system?).

Apart from that, I did S.F.A today. More reading, a bit of chatting online, music listening, and that's about it. One day I'll get out and do something excitingly thrilling...until then, I won't.

Short & sweet today (as this prolonged holiday with no money is becoming tedious).


Easter Monday (9/4)

Whoo! Another sunny day! If there *is* a God, he's definitely in my good books at the moment. Having had such a dismal summer back home (yes, yes. I know there were some nice days - but this is like the...kabillionth day of sun in a row (just as an aside, kabillionth may be just a tad on the high side, I'd most likely say about 6th or 7th)).

What did I do today? Well! Nothing. Oh, that's a lie. I went and got myself some groceries. How thrilling was that? Why, when a supermarket is closed for ONE day, do people go mad before and after said closure? I went because I hadn't been since the Saturday or Sunday before Easter. I had an excuse. Others didn't appear to have one. One old biddy was muttering about how inconsiderate it is closing. Inconsiderate? In what way? I'm the most uninterested-in-religion person I know (so what if I don't know that many people), but even *I* can accept that the stores are closed in observation of the death(? - no, re-awakening - you know better than I) of ol' JC himself (if he existed; thus far nothing seems to point to his existence in my humble opinion). I think it's VERY considerate to close stores for a couple of measley days a year. What about the staff who want to spend time with their families (or out in the sun when it's sunny)? Bloody old people need put down (not all, just the ones that moan a lot - oh, and just by the way, I'm not moaning...I'm grumbling). Anyhow, after grocery shopping (which I hate with a passion), I came home and sat in the sun reading...again. Oh, I was naughty and had a lovely big Easter egg (not really big, but it sounds better if you imagine a really HUGE Easter egg). After it, I felt terribly ill. A couple of hours later I had these pastry things (for lack of a better word) that also made me feel sick. I've now concluded that my body must hate me. It's rejecting all the *good* things in life. I guess it might know better than I, but still - why the good things, huh?

Anyhow, did the dishes, listened to music, read, slept. The rest of my day in less than 10 words. Wait! Hold the press! How could I have possibly forgotten? I spent two f***ing hours ironing! I loathe it. I really, truly, honestly do. More than anything or anyone on the face of this planet. Arrrgh. Wouldn't have been so bad had I not left it for a couple of weeks ;) I guess the phrase 'mea culpa' is applicable here ;)


TV good (8/4)

Up at my usual ungodly hour (for a Sunday morning) to get the laundry on. Went for my walk. Took a different path today - went down along the Thames and up by Westminster, then the usual jaunt around St Jame's park three times, followed with a return home. Just in time to get my laundry and jump on the couch to watch all the shows that've downloaded for me. How I've missed them. I haven't really, but it's a change from reading. I've got 1/2 a season of Heroes to go, and all of Prison Break. Then I'll be up to speed with three of the six shows I regularly watch (only House, Bones & ER to go - but I think I'll just leave ER until the DVDs come out - it was starting to get a bit ho-hum; will definitely be buying the other shows on DVD, but this is only because I don't believe in downloading them and only keeping the downloaded versions. I enjoyed the shows, so I'll give them my money (this is why I don't give to poor or children - I don't like either ;) ).

I have watched a million hours of TV in the last few hours...I can feel my brain (what was left of it) turning to mush as I type. But it's all good!


Tourists are nuisances (7/4)

Despite today being a brilliant, glorious, sunny day again, I did nothing. Okay, I went out for a wander around, but there wasn't much happening. The loopy's were bugging me too much for my liking. Luckily, I'd set my computer up to download Heroes and Prison Break for me, and it was purring along nicely. While the computer was downloading, I sat back and picked up a book (and then another) - thank God for the box of books at work, I now have a few books to keep me going for a while (at least).

Went down to the Thames and wandered along it today. I'm only like a block or two away from it. A word of advice, don't rely almost exclusively on the London Tube map to get your bearings - it's far from accurate in terms of where places are (not that I'm any better, mind). It was quite pleasant (when the loopys weren't bugging me).

What else. Nothing at all. I must say, I am really enjoying having this time off work (despite moaning about it earlier in the piece). Yes, it would be nice to be paid for it, but at the same time, my finances (short of the wee hiccup with the phone account) are slowly sorting themselves out again. Life is on the up - travel may once again be in my future (and I don't just mean coming back to NZ at the end of October, either).

Yay! Most of my downloads are done...might give up the reading for some TV catch up tomorrow...starting now :) Now, with a slight interruption - Mum called. Neither of us really had anything to say, but again, we managed to waste the time. It's all good though. A break from reading/watching shows is always good :)


Good Friday? (6/4)

What's so good about it? I don't think I've ever wondered this before...not in writing, anyway. Why is it GOOD Friday? What makes today so good (short of it being the last working day of the week usually - but ironically, today's a bank holiday so it's not the last day, ergo, it's not good). Don't mind me. Just insane.

Siting in the sun and reading made my day today. Couldn't be bothered going anywhere, so didn't leave the flat...that I remember, anyway.

That's all I have to say. Good day to you on a Good day.


Friday, 6 April 2007

Sunshine! Holiday! Wicked! (5/4)

What a glorious day today's looking like. The BBC weather site (checked every day) tells me it's going to get to 19 deg. Nice.

Well, after my early start I'm feeling quite tired. Was up just after my usual time and left at 8am for my day of exploring. I was going to go straight up to Hyde Park Corner (where the NZ War Memorial is) and then somewhere else, but on the way there decided that I'd find my walking route to work, especially as they're in the same direction...roughly. Before I tell you my experience, first let me say that I have a new daily mantra: "It is not a sign of weakness to get the map out; it is a sign of stubbornness not to". Yep, anyone who gets the feeling that I might've got lost wouldn't be too far off the mark. I didn't quite get lost, but I did end up doing a lovely big circle ending up pretty much near where I started. One happy camper was I not! Out came the map (which I thought I was used to pulling out as and when needed, but obviously not quite). Oh, I see. I just followed a street that branched off the one I was meant to be on. No biggie (just a waste of time...on a day when it didn't matter; no harm, no foul). Once I worked out where I went wrong, I started again. No sweat! Nice, simple path. Should only take me about 45mins each way, and given it takes about 35 on the tube when it's busier than normal and I miss the first tube 'cos it's too packed and get the next one, 45 minutes isn't too bad. Plus, it's exercise that's needed. The good thing about it, too, is that on the way to work I pass by an HSBC branch (so if I need cash, I can get it then), and on the way home it's only a block or so to Harrods if I need anything from there (not that I can see that being a happening thing, but there's also a Marks & Spencer). So there we have it. From next week I shall take up beating the feet to work again. It's only been what, three months of sitting on my bum being lazy (in terms of walking to work, people, I know I'm generally lazy ;) ). Who knows, a couple of weeks of this (plus the evening walks I'm going to take) and I might need another notch in the ol' belt! (fingers crossed).

After the "excitement" of being misled by myself and righting my wrong, I finally did find Hyde Park Corner. Surprisingly enough, it was by Hyde Park (who'd've guessed *that*!?). Took a few piccys, and wrote down the words on some of the 'sticks' (which, are surprisingly well designed - they're like crosses, but that was lost on me until I went to a different angle to take a pic and the tops of them (they're black 'sticks') are white; highlighting the crosses. Very effective.

^ see what I mean? Effective, no?

^ just one of the little things written on the 'sticks'

The memorial is diagonally opposite the Australian one - which I much preferred, just by the way.

^ Aussie memorial - there are thousands of names of towns/villages etc written on the stones (major places are visible, but the others are there in smaller print). Also, there's a water feature at one end (water features always win kudos from me!)

I read online before heading out that this year's ANZAC dawn service will be at the Australian memorial (they're going to alternate the memorials) before wreath laying at the NZ one. It was quite nice to see that there were wreaths & stuff at the NZ one already. From here I strolled through Hyde Park again. I thought I'd done a good job of exploring it when I was staying up at the hotel, but it turns out not. There's a lovely rose garden there - well, give it a bit longer and it'll look better, once the blooms are out. But the layout is nice - lots of benches etc. Strolled around there for a bit, then decided that I would go and have a nose around Harrods. Didn't go very far in there - went in the wrong door and was in the perfume and jewellery sections. Not my cup of tea. Found the food court - but not interested in all the choccys, cheeses etc...but the bakery appealed (as it was nearing lunchtime by this stage). Bought a cheese 'thing' - only £1.50 for this massive 'thing' (bits of bread and grilled cheese) - filled me up, anyway. After this, I strolled home (no more getting lost, phew!). Ended up chatting online for a good three hours to different people, so that was nice. Then couldn't be arsed doing anything else so sat in the sun and read a book. Just between you and I, reading is much easier when the sun doesn't force you to fall asleep! Had dinner (pasta - mmm) and continued reading for a couple of hours before bed.

Not much really, but there you go.

Oh, that reminds me, my online phone statement was available, so I didn't need to call BT. Turns out that when someone checked the website before getting the phone connected, they didn't read the small print (which, incidentally, isn't that small) where it says a £125 connection fee applies. Ahh - that's why the account's high, that and the fact that I'm paying for March AND April (makes sense). Everything is revealed, including my stupidity again...

London seems to be bringing out the stupid in me more and more. *sigh* ;)


Happy 21st (plus a couple), Wee-ma (4/4)

What a busy month April is for you, Wee-ma. Work, birthday, Easter, and PhD viva (and prep). How ever do you manage? I struggle with just the birthday in Feb, let alone anything else ;)

Work was so dead today. Well, no. It was quite lively as we all agreed that none of us wanted to be there, so for much of the day it was just general chit-chat. In saying that, I did have a long conversation with Antionette online, and got almost everything my supervisor wanted me to do done! Not bad for someone who wasn't really working. There's only about one and a half things left on my list to do (and they were in the part of the list entitled 'if you have time'). So go me! haha.

Tried to work out a plan of attack for the week off. It did include a day trip down to Brighton but then for some bizarre reason I thought I'd check out my phone account online. Sweet! All the calls I made came to the grand total of £6! That's not too bad. Umm, hello! What's this? Outstanding balance £190? Must be a mistake! Damn, too late to call BT to find out. Shit - puts paid to any plans of spending anything. Looks like I'll be giving them a call in the morning to see what the story is. I hope it's one of two things, 1) a cock-up on their part, 2) mis-reading things on my part, or 3) they send out accounts on a quarterly basis (which would still be too steep). A game of wait and see now. So, back to my plan of attack (revised version). Tomorrow I reckon I'll go and take some piccys of the NZ War Memorial for Antoinette (my 'treasure hunt' day) and generally wander aimlessly. Friday will be my 'do some bloody work, boy' day (i.e. typing up my notes from last week at the library that I couldn't be arsed doing last week; updating my blog with the entries that need to be added (slack, huh), make up a wee album for Antoinette's pics, etc). Saturday I shall endeavour to go walkabout again and find a walking route to work to see how long that takes. Sunday was going to be a day trip to Brighton but I think might just be a "go to the park, sit in the sun and read a book" day. Oh, God...then there's the rest of the week! Dunno about Monday - could be another wander around day. Tuesday & Wednesday could be study days at the library (or just study mornings there and the afternoons something else). Then Thursday it's back to work again, to hear from all the people that managed to get away (Amsterdam, Germany, Paris, Croatia, Belfast, were just some of the places people were going - never mind, my turn will come soon).

Hmm. That's all.


What an odd week (3/4)

It's 'hump day' today. A day earlier than usual. Oh well. Who am I to complain. Now that I've resigned myself to a week without money I kinda don't care. My new philosophy is that there are still plenty more weeks in which to earn a bit of cash. At lunch I was thinking about all the travel I want to do. What I *might* do is consider just saving up over the next three or four months and doing the travelling just before I come home, or in August when Nic's over. That's today's thought, anyhow. Tomorrow's may be entirely different.

They must either like me or have a lot of faith in me at work (or just think that I'm completely stupid and will do anything asked of me...which given how utterly bored I am, I do anyway). I was tinkering with a design for a display stand yesterday and went and showed it to a woman (who seems to be in charge of something important, I'm just not sure what it is). She liked it and we chatted about it a bit more. Then I asked the dumbest possible question (though, in saying that, I did *learn* something from the answer!). I asked her who was sorting out the display stands (including designing the artwork for them, organising the purchasing of them etc). She laughed. I frowned. She told me it was me. I groaned. :) Okay, so it's not really what I want to do - BUT! I get pretty much free reign over it. I can do what I like, and to a point (I'm picking there will be point somewhere), spend as much as I need. Fortunately for them, I also like the challenge of hunting out a good deal. I was told a display stand should cost around £200-300, and we need two of them. I managed to score a deal where if we buy two for £390, we get a third one free. Score. Also, I wangled a deal for the artwork from £85 an hour down to £60. Needles to say, today was a much more fun day after all that.

Went and had lunch in the cafe with Leanne. I had some beautiful Moroccan soup! It's so cheap. For a big bowl of soup and a huge piece of bread, it only stung me £1.80 (I'm sure there was a mistake, but I wasn't complaining). I did find out that there's another bonus to being contract/permanent staff there - cheaper food at the cafe! Obviously temps are the down trodden in the pecking order ;) haha. It's all good. I've seen a couple of jobs that I might apply for (real ones, not just temp ones). Who knows. Still not sure if I want to stay on here or bugger off. I wish decision-making was an easier task. Okay, so I've not even been here two months and I'm trying to plan the next stage in my life...arrgh. I really do hate decisions. One day I'm going to wake up and just DO the first thing that springs to mind (so long as it's not the morning after I've watched a whole heap of horror flicks and decide I want to go on a killing spree!).

Anyhow, I've had enough of the computer now. I want to go back to my book. Much more interesting than the bollocks I've written ;)


Happy *mutter* birthday, Melva (2/4)

Did you say it was your 60th or 70th this year? Can't remember (Old-timers must hit at 30...).

What a boring day in the office...again. Sat there and pottered around on my website for a wee bit (trying to look as busy as possible). Actually, despite being bored, I managed to achieve quite a bit. S'funny how that can happen. Be interesting the next couple of days - both my boss and supervisor are away on holiday. Leaves me there, holding the fort (haha).

It was a glorious day today! Fingers crossed for more of the same over the holiday. It's days like this that I, once again, lament the fact that I'm stuck inside and not out doing...most likely nothing, but I could be out enjoying the sunshine. By the time I got home, it wasn't anywhere near as warm as it was at lunch time (funny that). I got off the tube at Victoria (but only because the next tube was going to be about an 11 minute wait and I could walk home in that time). Stopped off via Sainsbury's and picked up a chicken & pasta salad to have with dinner. I'd love to know why makers of such things insist on putting at least one bloody thing I don't like into things. Grr. And before anything's said, no. It has nothing to do with me being the fussiest bugger on the face of the planet (I know at least *one* person fussier...just). In the end, there was way more in the pottle of salad than I thought, so that ended up being dinner. And tasty it was too. Other than that, I sat on my bum and read a book and listened to music. A very quiet night. I was contemplating turning tele on, but I think I've managed to turn myself against the tele. It's been switched off at the wall for nearly three weeks now - an amazing feat for me! Admittingly, I have downloaded the odd episode or two of shows online, but that's been the sum of my TV watching. Just not interested in it. Also, hopefully it means I don't have to pay the TV licence (how archaic - NZ did away with those at least 10 years ago).

Time to finish the last chapter in this book.


April Fool's Day (1/4)

All of a sudden my MSN has decided not to log me as "busy" or "away" and as a result, I had three conversations when I surfaced this morning. I had this funny feeling I'd heard them through the night, but didn't think anything of it. Was nice to hear from some (though one little shit was a bit cheeky - but nothing worse than what I do to people. Don't much like the shoe being on the other foot ;) ).

Did my usual Sunday morning routine - up & laundry (ugh!) and then off for an hour & half's walk around St Jame's Park (really, I only to it to catch the eye of Lizzie so she invites me in for a cuppa - it's not too much to ask for now, is it?). Three and a half laps around the park this morning. F'kn knackered at the end of it (usually it's only 2.5!). Think I might go for a walk over to South Bank next week, just for change. I've made a deal with Cass that if I can lose a few kgs (okay, I did specify a number, but don't want to repeat it ;) ) then I would definitely go to her wedding in February (not that she's formally invited me or anything, I'm just inviting myself! haha). Incentive is a good reason to lose weight. So, if I come back to the UK in November, I'll be getting another return ticket back to NZ for the end of February. Whoo - with all this possible travel I might even need to use *both* hands to count all the air points I'll be accumulating (shit - my Koru membership's due this year...oh well, that's what credit cards were invented for!).

When I got back from my jaunt this morning I started chatting to Antoinette online. She's always good for a laugh. Anyway, she mentioned the monument for NZ soldiers (or something like that) in Hyde Park. I've told her I'll spend a day over the Easter break going around taking pics of different things for her, such as the monument - I think I know the one she means. I think I stumbled across it one day when I was lost (which will mean I'll never be able to find it again as this was before I plucked up the courage to pull out the map!) ;) I'm also going to jot down reflections on things for her. Sort of looking forward to that - it'll be fun doing something like that. I can be 'a man on a mission' (the mission being not getting lost - haha). It'll be fun. At some stage after Easter I hope to catch up with cousin Julie (and her hubby I've never met). It must be going on 15 years since I last saw Julie in person! From photos, it's safe to say that she hasn't changed at all (she must get the youth gene from Aunty Helen!). Looking forward to that :)

I have a sore tummy at the moment. I think it has something to do with going out and picking up a couple of punnets of fruit (and eating most of it between the shop & home...and the rest of it at home). Oh well, at least fruit's good for you! I'm going to go and write a few emails now I think (or maybe just continue vegetating on the couch reading my book...hmm, tough decisions in life, huh?). That's what I was going to say the other day. When I went out on Friday night, Leanne & I were asked if we could tell where each other was from. We laughed! People in the office think we sound the same... We did the "fish 'n' chip" test for them - they still couldn't tell the difference between my "fush 'n' chups" and Leanne's "feeesh 'n' cheeeps". So funny. I find it interesting how they could tell that each other had regional accents, but they thought the Aussie & NZ accents were the same. I must ask them tomorrow about the Saffa one...


Sunday, 1 April 2007

Happy 30th, Bee & 35th, P.Jerz (31/3)

Yep, not one, but TWO birthday's today. First up, Bee. I guess she's lucky that she's lived to see this ripe old age. Seriously, the number of times I could've killed her during the 8 years we flatted together (hmm, I guess I'm luckier than her then in that respect...). Now she's the bane of her parent's life again. Poor Lindsay & Val. Second up, Lisa. I almost forgot about it too! Well, I like to think I didn't know about it and that she's only decided this year to celebrate today (makes me feel better ;) ). Have a good one, P. Jerz (and for those wondering, P. Jerz came about from me calling Lisa 'Jersey' (since that's where she's from), and then she went and became a Professor, so it was Prof Jersey for a, in true rapper style, she's P. Jerz).

For those of you who don't know Lisa, she's Jeff's wife. If you don't know Jeff, he's Lisa's husband. Sorted? Good! (short story - both top-notch peoples in my book!). I've decided that the reason Lisa seemed to like Bee is that they share the same birthday - there can be no other explanation for it.

Actually, people having birthdays is a good thing! It a) gives me a subject line, and b) gives me a chance to 'pad out' entries that could be mightily thin otherwise. True story ('cos I said it is!). So, when there are TWO birthdays, I go absolutely mad(der than usual).

Up and about nice & early today...well, okay then, 9ish. Went back to the library to do some work. Was there for nearly 5 hours, but don't feel that today was as productive as last week, for some reason. Found some good stuff for my thesis (when I get to it, that is) and some other things that I've got to see if I can access through Otago (fingers crossed). Only have about 5 or 6 pages of notes to try and decipher at some point. I could just take my laptop in with me, but it's just as quick for me to handwrite the notes - especially as I'll have a thought and scribble it down on a different piece of paper. It's my system; it seems to be working for me...for the time being.

When I got home from the library my intention was to go straight to the supermarket and grab a few groceries. I changed my mind... Instead of going straight to the supermarket, I came home and attacked my belt with a knife. I've had to add an extra hole - my bloody jeans and trousers keep slipping down and it's starting to piss me off. So, yay! They now stay up (though I don't mind adding a hole to go 'tighter' - adding a hole to give more room I'd protest more about ;) ).

Oh, bugger. I've just thought. I think I've slipped behind in keeping these up-to-date. Not so much writing them up in my file, but uploading them to the 'net. I have a feeling that the last one was about Tuesday. That'll give me something to do later on I guess.


Another week over... (30/3)

Up and off for another exciting day at work. Well, no. Not really. Just another ho-hum day. I did get to move to a *real* desk now! How exciting is that!? Went down to the pub for lunch with the other guys in the office after being stuck down on the "student counter" for an hour. Was right royally pissed off! Discovered that the Easter break in our office (maybe the whole College) isn't Good Friday/Easter Monday. No! It's bloody Thursday through until next Wednesday (inclusive!). A three-day week this coming week, followed by a two-day week after that! I was thinking it was going to be two four-day weeks, but no. This means for us temps in the office (N=3), we have the luxury of 5 days without pay. Oh, bloody joy! :) I'm going to give the recruitment agent a bell on Monday to see if there's anything at all they may have that I could do during this 'down' period. Hey, can't afford to go anywhere now, so may as well try and get some work in! They finally sorted out my pay cock-up. Oh, what a surprise - it was their fault! ;) I'll get the missing money next week, so yay for that.

It felt weird today, I was there until 5pm (instead of my usual 4.30pm). About 10 of us went out to a couple of bars after work, which was good. Quite a good opportunity to get to know people in the office. Once the girls were *finally* ready, we jumped on the tube and went to the Embankment. Started off at the Ha-Ha Club (or bar or something, definitely the Ha-Ha) and then moved over/up/down/across to a wee wine bar. By about 10.30-10.45pm I'd had enough for the day and a couple of others and I left. Had a good night, so that was alright. Caught the train home, which took forever due to some "investigation on the line" stuck in virtual darkness in the middle of a tunnel somewhere under London for about 15 minutes (by which time I was nearly ready to claw my way out somehow - I really dislike being stuck in confined spaces that you can't get out of!). Ended up home just after 11.30ish it must've been. It's odd being in pubs/bars where you're allowed to smoke (not for too much longer - they're bringing in the smoke-free laws here soon I think). Didn't really like the smell of second-hand smoke on my clothes, but you get that in life...worse things happen at sea!


Bugger me! (29/3)

The meaning of life: to frustrate ME as much as possible. Things are ticking along nicely, thank you. No major catastrophes. Health's on the up again (yay). Rent's not yet paid - dumbass banking system that's too complicated for me to figure out (okay read as: I'm too impatient to read things and they don't work like the ANZ's system does). So, yeah. Life as normal.

Had a ... day at work today. Really, the last two days have been an absolute waste of time. Seriously! Today was worse than yesterday (and tomorrow's not looking much better!). I am so bored senseless! The sad thing is that they think they've given me enough to go on with...and haven't thought of anything more for me to do. Apparently next week I get shared with the examinations team. One consolation about working here, I've decided, is that at least I'm getting excellent experience to transfer to almost *any* university department (should I want to work in a university again, that is ;) ) - timetabling, examinations, marketing added to what I did at Otago. Great! Where was I going before side-tracking myself? Oh, yeah. Sharing me about. I'm looking forward to that - the examinations team's a hard case lot (they were the bulk of the group I went out to lunch with last week). The only real things done today were 2 meetings (both of which were an absolute waste of time, but given I was only playing online, I won't complain). Went out to lunch with the...erm...actually, I don't know what team this lot is really - maybe the Student Services team? Yeah, that's them! And the office administrator. Had a good laugh again. The afternoon was just as boring as the morning. Though, in saying that, I have started a job that they're thinking of getting a temp in to do (that I could do...but I think they're looking at paying someone around the £5-7/hr mark...but even though I'm paid more than that, I'd still be saving them money by doing it as they've just paid me pretty much a week to do S.F.A). We shall see. Had a lot of laughs after lunch. We were trying to decide where to go for drinks tomorrow night. Someone suggested somewhere; someone else pooh-poohed that idea and so the cirle went. Then they asked me where we could go. ME! I laughed and told them they had to be kidding! The only name of a place I could think of was the Walkabout - the poms all groaned and the Aussies cheered. But we're not going there. To be honest, I don't know where we're going. Think the plan is to leave work and head into town.

The exciting, but at the same time somewhat depressing, news of the day is that I was offered a permanent job! Whoo. In Sydney (there had to be a catch). Were it not for the fact that I've maxed out my UK credit card (so need to earn the £s to pay it back) and signed on for an 8 month lease, I might've considered it. Upon first skimming of it, I thought it was like one I'd had from this guy before "we would like you to apply for ...", but nope - it was "We would like to offer you the following...". Cool, huh! I was stoked, but they wanted me to start on Monday. Umm, yeah - nope, not a happening thing, sorry. They can be forgiven, however. They thought I was still in NZ. If I was, I might've seriously considered it ($55k plus benefits). I sent a wee reply saying thanks, but no thanks and asked them to keep me in mind for anything that crops up towards the end of October/start of November. Murphy's bloody law. They couldn't have offered it to me while I was still in Dunedin, before I booked tickets over here? Grr (but in a good way :) ).

Came home and picked up my mail. Nothing exciting - the National Insurance Number card (huh? I've thrown it into the cupboard), and the payslip for last week telling me how much I'm going to get paid. Umm, something didn't look quite right. Bugger me! They're only paying me £9.50 for last week. I got on the blower (to no avail) and then the email to sort this out. Even resorted to "I have it in writing...". On top of the £40 (net) a week I lose by thinking I'd be working a 40hr week, I also just lost another about £45 (net) by them cocking things up! Okay, so I've just been emailed and told that "if [I'm] right" (not happy about the "if", I *know*) then that'll be added to my pay next week. Okay. Mountain and mole-hill stuff really - my rent for the month's sorted, so it's not like I can't wait the extra week (just under - get paid on Thursday next week 'cos of Easter *spits*) for the £45... By then it could be more beneficial as my limited company thing will be running (I hope).


I was drugged, I swear (28/3)

So, I started emailing Cass before while I was eating dinner. All of a sudden I became all hyper! My legs wouldn't stop fingers wanted to tap (and not just on the keys of the letters I wanted to use, but in general). Madness! I reckon they drugged the can of soup I had. There can be no other explanation. Well, there might be one, but it's waaay out there. It could be because over the last few days I've slept lots and now it's all hit me that I'm not tired no more. Could be, but that's not as good as "they drugged my can of soup, Officer" reason. Anyway...thought that I would write some things down for the day (I should be ironing again, you see).

Okay, so today was quite a ho-hum day. Went to work and pretty much spent the day making out that I was busy on the website, when in reality I wasn't. Tomorrow is pretty much looking the same, except I've got to do a couple of stints on the "student desk" (which is a desk manned by the staff from 8.30am - 2.30pm?, where students can go and ask questions). How exciting! And I have a meeting at 3pm (they like their meetings here - and CCing every man and their dog into emails. I thought I had a lot of emails at Otago in a day - so far I'm getting around 40...and none of them spam! But yeah. It seems that in less than two weeks I've managed to help my supervisor catch up and clear some decks. This could be a bad thing as if there's no work for me, then they might not want me to come in anymore. Hmm? I'm sure something else will crop up soon (I hope) - they must be going to keep me at least the full two months. Why else would they tell everyone who I was and get them to communicate directly with me? *sigh* I hate the unknown.

Had a really enjoyable lunch time. Went and sat in the sun at Hyde Park again. There was a couple sitting on the grass behind me playing a flute and a violin and it was just lovely and relaxing (except for every now and then when one of them hit a bum note). The downside, however, was the group of kids that turned up and ran around. Ban them from public spaces, I say. After about an hour sitting there I suddenly realised that I should actually head back into work (oops!). S'ok - no one realised I'd been gone for over an hour. Turns out next week will be well quiet. Everyone's taking time off for the Easter break. I'm not - I need the money ;) Haven't yet decided what I'll do over Easter - will think about that at the weekend. Finally remembered to photocopy my passport & visa to send off with my Limited Company application. That's off, so hopefully, not this pay, but the next pay I'll be getting a few extra quid in pocket. Things've changed from the old days, I was told. Now, rather than being a shareholder receiving dividends, you're a company director, so I kind of get to pay myself? Weird, but oh well - all legit.

Time to go and do the dreaded...I could read another chapter or two of my book first? :) Just had a look at my return ticket home. Amazing the attention to detail that I don't pay to things. I thought I left here on a Friday around noon. Nope. Turns out it's on a Saturday around 9pm. What's the bet I forget this in a few days?

Be catching thee on the flipside.
