Sunday, 22 April 2007

Week 9 (16-22 April)

Okay - did anyone happen to see the days of this week? They just vanished. *poof* Just like that. One minute it's Monday (bah, no one likes Mondays...unless it's not the first day of your working week), the next it's Sunday. Amazing. In saying that, I vaguely remember parts of the week. For example, Monday (only 'cos, like I said, no one likes it!). Was at work for about 10 minutes before ended up walking to Charing Cross with Richard, the boss, for a meeting there. It was another hour walk today, so I'm happy. I'm enjoying getting out and going for these walks. Why? Who the hell knows? Maybe it's because I'm actually seeing the result of losing a wee bit of weight and it's encouraging me to go out and lose more (hopefully about another 50kgs - that'd make me a wee bit lighter, but knowing my luck, they'll change the goal posts and I'll need to lose 100kgs just to fall within the "healthy" range - bah!). I do hope I can lose quite a bit more - if I went home with a lot of weight lost and still broke, then I'll be happy. But to go home just as fat as I was and broke - no. No! No! No!

It was a waste of time being at that meeting. I said about two things, and that was it. In saying that, the penny dropped about a few things, so that was good. And I had a good, long chat with Richard on the way hopefully it means I'll be employed until I leave ;) After the meeting, I was secretly hoping we wouldn't walk back to the office - it was about 11am and a hell of a lot hotter than when we set out at about 8.10! Luckily, we caught a bus. Seriously, being in the bus made me realise that I had absolutely no idea where the hell we were or where we were going! I kinda felt that walking to Charing Cross in the first place - it felt like we'd walked in a big circle just to get to where we were going - obviously, we didn't...

Limited company is now all sorted and rearing to go. First pay goes in this week...kinda sucks that I now won't be paid on Fridays - well, the money will go into the business account on Fridays, but won't go into my account until the Monday or Tuesday. Stupid banking system they have here! Nevermind - as long as I get paid, that's all that matters!

The weather has been so amazingly great of late. Long may it continue - that's all on that.

Oh, work. I've been charged with more design work. Cool. This time a couple of posters. I've done one already - it's just a silly one to give to Aidan (he gave me a pic of himself and challenged me to use it in something I was working on... I must tell them not to challenge me - challenging me means that I *have* to do it. Telling me I have to do it is like saying "if you feel like it". I'm strange like that. Strangeness runs in our family. This is very true. All you need to do is look at my parents, brother and sisters! Okay, I really wouldn't recommend looking at my father or brother - I think they still frown upon people being dug up these days). I've lost my train of thought again. This happens a lot. Especially when I'm in the habit of not thinking. Arrgh.

I was going to go and get some art this weekend...but am thinking about it before I buy it. Lots of things to consider - the number one being: do I *really* want it. I think I do, but decided that I shall wait one more week. If on Friday I still want it, I shall get it. How odd is that - I never think things through! I never think! Hmm, wonder if it's all the stupidity that's been wearing off on me over here that's making me feel the urge to think... Life throwing another curve ball, p'haps.

Anyway...I'd better do the housebitch chores... A small place gets just as messy as a large one I've discovered. You can't tell me it's proportional - it really isn't! Oh, and I'm sitting on an uncomfortable bit of the couch and my bum's getting sore. Speaking of sore bums, I'm seriously contemplating learning how to roller blade. People don't know me here, so falling on my arse every five seconds shouldn't be too much of an embarassment (he says trying to reassure himself).

So, that's all for this week. Might send out another mass email. That should mean I get some replies and therefore have something to do at work...

After 9 weeks here, it's safe to say that I'm still very much enjoying my time here. Granted, haven't done anything exciting - but the wheels are now in motion and plans are being made.


Please, don't feel that you have to miss me... Hmm, maybe I should rephrase that - please don't feel that you have to forget me. Just 'cos I'm not in your face all the time, I'm still around and just as annoying, erm, I didn't mean annoying - I'm not annoying, I'm something that's not annoying... You know that word I'm thinking of! Umm...okay - can't think of it, but it's not annoying. I'm not annoying. Much.


PS: I just realised that I didn't put last Sunday's entry up - so you didn't know I'd given up on the daily shit. Oops. My bad. I'm over it.

PPS: It was my brother's birthday on Monday. I didn't say happy birthday to him. Would've been a waste of my breath. Ever since he up & died he's stopped talking to his family. That's gratitude for you isn't it? We put up with him from birth to death and he chooses to snub us. Granted, for me it was less than others - but that was just the luck of being the youngest. Still. Rudeness much! ;)

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