Sunday, 1 April 2007

I was drugged, I swear (28/3)

So, I started emailing Cass before while I was eating dinner. All of a sudden I became all hyper! My legs wouldn't stop fingers wanted to tap (and not just on the keys of the letters I wanted to use, but in general). Madness! I reckon they drugged the can of soup I had. There can be no other explanation. Well, there might be one, but it's waaay out there. It could be because over the last few days I've slept lots and now it's all hit me that I'm not tired no more. Could be, but that's not as good as "they drugged my can of soup, Officer" reason. Anyway...thought that I would write some things down for the day (I should be ironing again, you see).

Okay, so today was quite a ho-hum day. Went to work and pretty much spent the day making out that I was busy on the website, when in reality I wasn't. Tomorrow is pretty much looking the same, except I've got to do a couple of stints on the "student desk" (which is a desk manned by the staff from 8.30am - 2.30pm?, where students can go and ask questions). How exciting! And I have a meeting at 3pm (they like their meetings here - and CCing every man and their dog into emails. I thought I had a lot of emails at Otago in a day - so far I'm getting around 40...and none of them spam! But yeah. It seems that in less than two weeks I've managed to help my supervisor catch up and clear some decks. This could be a bad thing as if there's no work for me, then they might not want me to come in anymore. Hmm? I'm sure something else will crop up soon (I hope) - they must be going to keep me at least the full two months. Why else would they tell everyone who I was and get them to communicate directly with me? *sigh* I hate the unknown.

Had a really enjoyable lunch time. Went and sat in the sun at Hyde Park again. There was a couple sitting on the grass behind me playing a flute and a violin and it was just lovely and relaxing (except for every now and then when one of them hit a bum note). The downside, however, was the group of kids that turned up and ran around. Ban them from public spaces, I say. After about an hour sitting there I suddenly realised that I should actually head back into work (oops!). S'ok - no one realised I'd been gone for over an hour. Turns out next week will be well quiet. Everyone's taking time off for the Easter break. I'm not - I need the money ;) Haven't yet decided what I'll do over Easter - will think about that at the weekend. Finally remembered to photocopy my passport & visa to send off with my Limited Company application. That's off, so hopefully, not this pay, but the next pay I'll be getting a few extra quid in pocket. Things've changed from the old days, I was told. Now, rather than being a shareholder receiving dividends, you're a company director, so I kind of get to pay myself? Weird, but oh well - all legit.

Time to go and do the dreaded...I could read another chapter or two of my book first? :) Just had a look at my return ticket home. Amazing the attention to detail that I don't pay to things. I thought I left here on a Friday around noon. Nope. Turns out it's on a Saturday around 9pm. What's the bet I forget this in a few days?

Be catching thee on the flipside.


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