Happy birthday Nic! Isn't that a cop out for a subject line? Am I bothered? Am I bothered though? Right, am I bothered? Do I look bothered? Face. Look. Face. Look. Bothered. No. I ain't bothered. (Sorry, that's from a Catherine Tate skit - very funny, but I'm picking you had to be there). Insanity has well & truly sunk in for the long haul now ;)
Went into yet another recruitment agency for a test & interview today. Those tests are right royally fucking me off! I was getting so pissy with them (Word, Excel, & data entry ones). No sooner had I done something wrong than it came up with this gigantic, flashing sign: "INCORRECT". Hello, I knew when I'd made a mistake, thankyouverymuch. Some weren't mistakes - I honestly had no idea how to do what they wanted me to do; but the mistakes were just stupid ones that I wouldn't have made had I been allowed to use my shortcuts (but you have to do everything the looooong way on these tests). Also, there was a time limit on them - 35 mins for each of the Word/Excel tests and 5 mins for the data entry (too bad I missed the bit where it said it was timed and I spent the first couple of minutes looking over the information they wanted entered) - oops, my bad. When I had the interview afterwards I made a comment to the chick about being PO'd about my performance and she, thinking she'd make me feel better, made a comment about being "average". AVERAGE!!! I was spitting tacks - then she apologised and corrected herself. Apparently I'm an "advanced", not "average" user of Word & Excel (scoring 89% on Word and 85% on Excel). Me being me had to question this. I passed comment about making so many mistakes, so there must be a problem with their system. Nope. Just turns out that most people take more than the 10mins for each of the tests that I took. Phew - rushing through these does count for something ;) In the interview I was asked what my colleagues would say about me if they were given a chance. Without thinking (one of my bad habits) I turned around and said, "Would depend who you asked". Well, it's true. I said there would be some who would say what you want to hear, whether they genuinely believe it or not; and others who would say...something else. She asked about my referee that she has to email - I told her to let me know if he says anything bad and I'll get his wife on the case ;) (Not that you would, would you, Jeff? - haha). Nah, think it went well. Like I said, I'm getting more comfortable with these interview things.
Felt a bit unloved when I checked my emails today. Only two real ones (and they're only sort-of-real: sister's don't really count ;P haha). I guess one thing that shows is that I'm not writing people like I should be. I could've told you that would happen. Once I get the Internet (yeah, yeah, put another record on - I know) I'll start sending semi-regular bulk emails again.
That's what I must say while I think of it. How you dress depends on who accosts you on the streets. For example, when in jeans & t-shirt people wanting signatures to "stop poverty" (I'm trying! It's not my fault I can't get a job.) ignore me; wearing a suit, they're all over me. Another incidence? People handing out voucher things - it's the opposite; I'm ignored in a suit. Go figure. I'd better not wear a suit jacket & jeans - I'd get the whole bloody lot of them. Also, drivers seem to have less patience for 'touristy'-looking people. At least this I can understand :)
Went around the corner (like I say, everything's around the corner ;) ) to the pub with one of the blokes who lives in the building. Had a couple of pints there. Nothing exciting. He said he'd spent 5 weeks here without a job :s Made me sort of feel good; except for the fact he'd saved to come over...I hadn't ;) He's a bit of a hard shot - shame he's leaving in a couple of weeks (doing a 6 month stint around Europe, then off to work in South Africa for a few months before heading back to Oz).
Went into yet another recruitment agency for a test & interview today. Those tests are right royally fucking me off! I was getting so pissy with them (Word, Excel, & data entry ones). No sooner had I done something wrong than it came up with this gigantic, flashing sign: "INCORRECT". Hello, I knew when I'd made a mistake, thankyouverymuch. Some weren't mistakes - I honestly had no idea how to do what they wanted me to do; but the mistakes were just stupid ones that I wouldn't have made had I been allowed to use my shortcuts (but you have to do everything the looooong way on these tests). Also, there was a time limit on them - 35 mins for each of the Word/Excel tests and 5 mins for the data entry (too bad I missed the bit where it said it was timed and I spent the first couple of minutes looking over the information they wanted entered) - oops, my bad. When I had the interview afterwards I made a comment to the chick about being PO'd about my performance and she, thinking she'd make me feel better, made a comment about being "average". AVERAGE!!! I was spitting tacks - then she apologised and corrected herself. Apparently I'm an "advanced", not "average" user of Word & Excel (scoring 89% on Word and 85% on Excel). Me being me had to question this. I passed comment about making so many mistakes, so there must be a problem with their system. Nope. Just turns out that most people take more than the 10mins for each of the tests that I took. Phew - rushing through these does count for something ;) In the interview I was asked what my colleagues would say about me if they were given a chance. Without thinking (one of my bad habits) I turned around and said, "Would depend who you asked". Well, it's true. I said there would be some who would say what you want to hear, whether they genuinely believe it or not; and others who would say...something else. She asked about my referee that she has to email - I told her to let me know if he says anything bad and I'll get his wife on the case ;) (Not that you would, would you, Jeff? - haha). Nah, think it went well. Like I said, I'm getting more comfortable with these interview things.
Felt a bit unloved when I checked my emails today. Only two real ones (and they're only sort-of-real: sister's don't really count ;P haha). I guess one thing that shows is that I'm not writing people like I should be. I could've told you that would happen. Once I get the Internet (yeah, yeah, put another record on - I know) I'll start sending semi-regular bulk emails again.
That's what I must say while I think of it. How you dress depends on who accosts you on the streets. For example, when in jeans & t-shirt people wanting signatures to "stop poverty" (I'm trying! It's not my fault I can't get a job.) ignore me; wearing a suit, they're all over me. Another incidence? People handing out voucher things - it's the opposite; I'm ignored in a suit. Go figure. I'd better not wear a suit jacket & jeans - I'd get the whole bloody lot of them. Also, drivers seem to have less patience for 'touristy'-looking people. At least this I can understand :)
Went around the corner (like I say, everything's around the corner ;) ) to the pub with one of the blokes who lives in the building. Had a couple of pints there. Nothing exciting. He said he'd spent 5 weeks here without a job :s Made me sort of feel good; except for the fact he'd saved to come over...I hadn't ;) He's a bit of a hard shot - shame he's leaving in a couple of weeks (doing a 6 month stint around Europe, then off to work in South Africa for a few months before heading back to Oz).
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