Friday, 23 March 2007

Happy 29th, Cass (21/3)

Next year you'll be my age - then you'll be suffering. Mind you, that said, you'll always have the satisfaction of knowing I'm older than you. Bah humbug.

Went to work. I did. I can prove it. Worked and worked and worked today. I'm now allowed to send emails and stuff on my own (I don't like this game now). Nah, short of getting poxy with academics who change their mind JUST as I'd worked out a whole week's worth of scheduling (in the grand scheme, it's not much - it took me nearly all of the bloody morning though!). This resulted in a flow on effect. Long story. Very boring. Other than that, the timetabling is kinda fun. It's a challenge (and a challenge I like!). I set up a spreadsheet with a template for me to use; my supervisor was most impressed (and I've had a couple of positive comments from lecturers as well).

Took my lunch break today (I'm allowed to start at 8.30 and knock off at 4.30 - but I'm not allowed a reduced lunch break; s'ok - I get to leave early and the starting early doesn't phase me none). Went up to Hyde Park - it's only a 5 minute walk away. I decided it was too bloody cold to go for a walk around it (despite the sun beaming down), so found a bench (which actually was rather warm) and read my book. Went back to work and continued with the work thing. Despite my grumblings, I am enjoying the timetables...but also just being at work! I have to laugh though. This is only the office for medicine (undergraduate, at that) and they have about 20 admin staff. Apparently, before I started, there used to be heaps of empty desks. When I started, there was one...but someone is starting up soon (a permanent) and they're going to be sitting there. This meant that my desk is actually one of two "hotdesks" - desks where academics can sit when they're waiting for meetings etc, or where staff from other campuses base themselves if there for the day. It sucks! I have no space to put anything. The boss has, however, okayed me sitting at the empty desk (he doesn't think it 'looks good' having me sitting at a hot desk when I have so much to do with the academics (well, I don't yet, but I will be soon)). Tomorrow I move. It'll be cool though because it's an open-plan office with four bays of four desks, so I'll have friends - not just sitting out in the open on my lonesome. Up sides: friends, space, closer to the door I come in, drawers. Downsides: the other end of the room to the water filter, I will have a telephone (calls are going through my supervisor at the moment and he's dealing with them; also, I'd have to learn how to use it - picking up other people's calls etc). So, yeah.

Came home, got my pay slip from last week's temp job. 7 hours - £49. Hardly worth it really; okay, I enjoyed it, but the money was shite. There was my contract for this job (and the letter said my job description was enclosed - uh huh, there isn't one! It also talked about when I start, how to get there etc - uh huh, a bit late! It also referred to my job title as a PhD Administrator - uh huh, not even (I think my title is: Curricula Administrator: BMedSci - or something like that; I can change it to whatever I want to). And there was some junk mail about how my phone number is going to be removed from some list - whatever, Trevor. I missed a call today. I don't know whose number it was, it doesn't look familiar. I haven't given my phone number out to many people. What's that aboot? Replied to a couple of emails - that's fun, trying to think of things to say to people (me? Lost for words? It can happen, y'know). Then I went and got groceries. Honestly, I swear I'd rather have my teeth pulled. I hate it! Hate it with a passion! I have worked out, in the last say month I've been in the flat, that I've spent about £130 on groceries. Of that, a good £50 (at least) has been on fruit. Oh well, I'm getting my 5+ a day at least ;) Is it hard to tell that I've run out of things to say now so am just talking for the sake of filling up a bit of space on this page (which, in turn, will be filling up a bit of space on the Internet)? Thought so.


PS: oops - thunked I did do the posting of this yesterday night - but didn't...slipping in my young age ;)

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