Wednesday, 14 March 2007

The Lord's day (4/3)

Starting this off with something I think I saw on tele just then. I think that kid (the freaky boy) that was in that movie with umm...Hugh Grant is in a new drama series here called 'Skins'. I think it's him, anyway. Why is this important? Well, it's not really but there are times when I see things like that and alway want to either pat myself on the back for recognising someone or, at the very least, remember that I want to keep an eye out for a show/movie etc. This is one of the latter cases; nothing exciting, more a case of 'yay me for thinking of taking a note of it'. S'all.

Toyed with the idea of heading along to church this morning - there's one along the road a bit. I can even see it from my window. Looking from the window was as far as I got though (and most likely will be as far as I ever get - short of walking past it when I go to the Internet cafe, but that's different). I had to clean today (especially since I didn't yesterday). Joy of joys. I wasted a whole...20 mins (if that) cleaning from top to bottom (for an extra 10, I could've done all the cupboards, but that would just be 'Chris-obsessive' ;) ). Went down to do the laundry. I don't understand the f'king washing machine. Seriously! I did exactly (I think) as I did earlier in the week - walked away and went back down to it an hour and a half later. Nothing had f'king happened. Clothes weren't even wet (except for where the laundry liquid landed on them). I don't understand this machine. What's wrong with a "normal" one like I can understand. This is a huge sore point. I tried again. Still nothing. What's worse, there was no one around to bloody well ask! Grr. In the end I just washed by hand (and now I have a blister from wringing the clothes out <-- cue for sympathy from someone...anyone...). Hopefully next time there will be someone down there to show me what to do (I'm still adament I did what I did last time - obviously not).

Thought I might make some lunch. Just as I was pouring some soup into the pan to heat I get a text from Chris telling me about the electrical storm in Sydney. Nothing fun like that here today. Even had to close the window a bit - not 'cos it was cold, but 'cos I was getting sick of the cord for the blind blowing around in the breeze. Haven't sorted out the heating yet, but still haven't needed it (the hallway is hot enough!). I see someone put a sign down above the heater on the floor below asking people not to turn on the heater there as they were starting to cook up on this floor. Like I said before, at least I'm cool blooded and don't need a lot of heat :) Back to lunch. Mmm, chunky chicken soup (the chunks surprised me!). Was delicious! I think it's the first time I've had meat since last Friday when I had Indian for my birthday. Still not really missing it.

Might just spend the rest of the day vegging on the couch (when I figure out how to fold it back to the couch - have just left it folded out as the bed since I arrived) watching tele. It feels like one of those days. That's what I was going to say. I think the poms must like their food or something. On three channels (of the 5 I have) there were food programmes at one point. Just a bit OTT, if you ask me (and tough if you didn't).

Just caught the bit from the other day when I said I'd pop these up when I went into the Internet cafe. I tried, but it wouldn't format the way I wanted to so I just left it at that. There's not a lot to each entry; figured it wouldn't kill you to read a few at once (if it does happen to kill you, sorry you're dead but I take no responsibility for it ;) ). Today's been the first time that I've actually watched much tele here (amazing, huh!). There might just be a good reason for that. There's absolute shite on the poor channels (i.e., free ones). I have, however, found channel 4 - home to quality programmes such as Teachers and Green Wing (at least, I think it is). There is hope yet. ... After watching tele for the last couple of hours, I retract that last statement! Oh, I watched a wee bit of some show called Hollyoaks (or something like that) - weird! There's this wee man who stands in the bottom corner of the tele signing for the deaf. To his credit, I found him much more amusing than the actual show itself - he made sense ;) But hello, get with the times people - Teletext! Page 801! Subtitles. And optional, at that. I shouldn't be so rude, but arrgh. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help watching him (such a funny wee man - smaller than the characters on the show). Anyhow, I ended up watching Cold Mountain. I cringed when I saw it started at 9pm...but when the news interrupted (like Lotto does on TV2 Saturday nights) at 10pm, I realised there hadn't been any ads. Yay for something. Just like in the old days ;) Oh, in case you want to know what I thought of Cold Mountain...meh. Slow, predictable, very "I've seen this storyline before somewhere else".



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