Friday, 23 March 2007

Subject? Who needs a subject? (22/3)

What a thrilling day today was! I pretty much sat at the desk all day squeezing classes into rooms for timetabling. I wish lecturers would stop changing their minds though, it makes for a difficult process. Fingers crossed it'll all be done tomorrow (given others need my info tout suite).

Had to laugh, one of the women walked past me at one point and asked whether I was aware that Fridays were "International Dress" day (one person, randomly chosen, gets to wear their national costume into work on the Friday). Guess what! It was my turn. I very swiftly replied along the lines of: "Thank you for the very polite offer, but I think I'll continue to wear shirt & tie if it's all the same to you" (i.e., "bite me, noddy!"). Fortunately, Friday is a casual dress day (I hope - they better not be yanking my chain!).

Come lunch time, I went for stroll to the bank (having searched the Internet to find out where the nearest branch is). It's only a leisurely 10 minute walk each way (or, if you happen to be me, about 25 mins to find your way there!). Pulled the max I could for the day from the credit card (which is only £300) and put it into the bank account to help pay for the rent. The last £50 I need I'll get tomorrow. Now that the credit card's maxed out, and the bank account's been drained (well, it will be come Tuesday), I'm officially flat broke! Actually, not quite true. There's enough left on the credit card to pay for next week's tube pass. Fortunately, I do get paid next Friday. Phew!

Thought I'd be productive when I got home tonight. Decided it was time to defrost the ice box in the fridge. Let me tell you something for nothing, that 'berg what did sink the Titanic had absolute nothing on the 'berg that's in my fridge! I had the hairdryer going flat out on it for about 15 minutes (oh, in case you're wondering, the hairdryer was left behind by the bird what lived here before me (and who obviously didn't bloody know how to defrost the ice box!)). It hardly even made a dent in the ice. I'm not kidding you - it's bad. The door to the ice box is broken where the ice has pushed it out of place! After about an hour of chipping away at it, I threw my hands up in sheer frustration, swore, and have given up on it (until the weekend). I almost filled the sink right up with what I've managed to get off so far (which is just under the bottom of the ice box). I also discovered that there's a plastic tray (for catching drips?) under the ice box (you couldn't see it before for the ice!) and an ice cube tray. Very exciting stuff. Will keep you posted on the progress - I might find a lost mountaineer or Yeti or prehistoric person or the likes. On that happy note, I might just sign off.


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