Wednesday, 14 March 2007

What to do? What to do? (3/3)

By the time I surfaced today it felt like the day was just about over. Honestly, I couldn't believe I slept for so long. Mind you, having taken that phone call yesterday morning for the temp job, I think I'm going to be too scared to sleep in during the week from now (not that this is a bad thing!). I was going to do the housebitch chores today, but decided I really couldn't be arsed (tomorrow is, after all, another day). Given the size of the flat I'm also figuring that one more day won't hurt. Went out into the loverly sunny day...and found a bitterly cold wind. Not sure what that's about. It wasn't there when I stuck my head out the window before I ventured out. Ahh, I'm up so high that it's a different climate. That'll be it ;) Strolled around the corner to the Internet cafe. I'm beginning to think that I might be considered a regular - the lady at the counter asked if I wanted one hour. Luckily for me I was able to trick her - I wanted two! Ha! Chalk one up to me ;)

Applied for another couple of jobs. I'm getting well shitty with myself for not knowing exactly what it is I want to do with my life. Seriously, I haven't a single clue. I'm sure I'll wake up one morning and say, "I want to do [insert what it is I want to do]!" Until that day comes it's going to be a 'play it by ear' life. I hear that a lot of people have those, but let's be realistic here; I need some kind of security (whether it's a daily routine or...). There are literally thousands of jobs on the go here. On one site it told me (well, it'll tell anyone that looks, not just me) that they were advertising about 85,000 jobs. *85,000* Hell, in Dunedin you'd be lucky to get 850 advertised ;) Maybe there's too much choice for me. That could be it. One job I applied for was a legal secretary. Not 100% sure what the difference is between a legal secretary and a normal one (except that one obviously works in a law firm ;) ). I put some BS in the covering letter about how I'm in the early stages of an LLB and have deferred it while I come over here. Also reiterated how wonderfully fantastic and clever I am...then shot that out of the water by telling them how many qualifications I have ;) I'm so not even mentioning to people that I'm working on a PhD! Speaking of which, I had a look at some stuff on my PhD today. All I could think of was, 'Oh, I should read [insert book/article that's packed away at mum's] - bugger, I don't have an electronic copy of that'. Finding out that SPSS wasn't working on this new computer pissed me off. Now it seems that f'king EndNote isn't working either. Why me? C'mon. What've I ever done to deserve this? Oh, right. It's not so much what I've done, it's more what I *haven't* done. Fine. Bite me then! ;) I did do some thinking about things, that's a start :)

What else did I do today? Oh, sent a few emails (just realised I'd sidetracked myself again). Nothing exciting to tell people at the moment. Wait 'til I have a job - there'll be less ;) haha. Pottered around a few websites of companies that I'd heard of to see if they had any jobs with my name on them (funnily enough people don't seem to write my name in the person specification). Applied for another couple (on top of the ones I mentioned above - or didn't mention, whichever is the case). Sent another couple of emails as my time ran out, and then left. After the excitement that was the Internet cafe I went somewhere equally exciting. Bet you can't guess where! Go on. Try! Anyone? Fine, I went to the *drumroll, please* - supermarket! Yeah, yeah. I'm sure that's what you said. That was sooo much fun. I'm certain that they changed the layout around between last visit and this visit. I couldn't find anything I wanted (not knowing what I wanted had nothing to do with it, I'm sure). Picked up a few things to last me the week. It's amazing how far £20 will take you with groceries. Would've taken me further had it not been for the fact that I still had no pots & pans & mugs at home. Picked up a frypan and a couple of mugs (half the cost of the groceries) and a few other wee items. It may not be that healthy, but I am so loving dining on salad-filled pita pockets. They only take a couple of minutes to prepare; no mess; and most importantly, they're filling! Once I lose interest in these then I bet the grocery bill will go up a bit ;)

Spent the evening watching music videos that I've downloaded over the last couple of years. Ended up falling asleep with the computer on my chest at one point. Called it a night after that...


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