Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Oh, bollocks! (26/3)

Good subject line, huh? Today's wonderful installment has been called "Oh, bollocks" because I haven't actually written up my entries since Thursday, which means I'm forced into the terrible position of having to bloody well think what it was I've done the last few days. It's tough walking in my shoes (I'd recommend it, but they pong a wee bit ;) ).

Today can essentially be summed up thus: Got up. Felt all dizzy. Went to work. Felt all dizzy. Did some work (eventually! - managed to surf the web for nearly an hour before anyone came to see what I was up to...and fortunately I'd opened some documents when I first got in, before getting side-tracked online, so it looked like I'd been working. Still felt dizzy. Went to lunch (well, went to the bank to completely max out my credit card to pay the rent, but for some reason it wouldn't let me...which put me in a difficult situation - hopefully remedied in the morning (NZ time)). Still felt dizzy, but now my neck was all stiff and sore. Did work. I have a week to create a website - and they're apologising for not giving me much time to do it. It's just about done. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow it will be done. Hopefully by the time I go to bed I won't feel dizzy or have a sore neck! I reckon the neck is a combination of a possible uncomfortable night's sleep (I feel I kept waking up, but I'm not sure) and sitting on an uncomfortable chair at work (I'm switching chairs tomorrow!).

Had a good chat with the office administrator (an Aussie chick) this morning. She's a real hard case! She's flicked me a couple of links for weekend trips and recommended a few of them, and they're quite cheap - only around £150 for the weekend (all travel, food, accommodation included). They've got trips leaving virtually every Friday night and coming back on Sunday nights (or Monday nights if it's a long weekend). I'm keen to have a look at some of them :)

Missed a call from the recruitment consultant, but she did leave a message. Apparently it's "imperative" that I call her back as soon as she gets into work tomorrow (right, like *I* know when *that* is!). She was all excited because she wants to give me feedback from my boss. I'm guessing, from her message saying that "he really, really loves [me]" and my supervisor thinks "[I'm] great", that it's going to be very ego-boosting for me (unless that was just a rouge to get me to call quickly...). All I'm doing is what's asked of me (and surfing the Internet when I feel like it)... Get a life people.

Came home, not quite as dizzy, but neck was a lot worse and drugged myself up (well, I took a panadol). Another one before bed and I'll be back to my normal (!?!?) self in the morning.

Okay. Time to make dinner (while I think about what I did over the weekend...).


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