Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Yay! No more suitcases (26/2)

Not long after I surfaced I got a call from the property agent asking if we could meet at 6, not 3. This was a bloody inconvenience to me but I never said that - just went along with it. Had to check out of the hotel by 11, so went down at 10. Left all my bags in the hotel while I went to fill in the day before the interview at 4pm.

Started off by going to find where I had to go for the interview - easy peasy. Then went and had a look at the British Museum. Last time I was there I did the Egypt section and something upstairs (vague, huh). This time I did the Greek/Roman and the Japanese art exhibits. I was surprised at how long I spent there - about 3 hours! Then I had to go to the bank to take out money. What a bloody job that turned out to be! They don't have withdrawal slips, you either have to write a cheque (I don't have a cheque book) or use your debit/EFTPOS card (max £300/day - and I needed £1400!), besides which, I still didn't have a PIN. Went up to the teller and they told me I had to speak to someone else. I did this, finally getting my PIN. I asked how I went about getting more money, explaining why. The lady told me to ask for an emergency withdrawal. Finally, I got somewhere. Then went off to the interview (after nearly an hour in the bank).

The interview wasn't really an interview. I had to fill out a million and one forms. Then had a wee chat to the recruitment lady. She asked a couple of questions (strengths/weaknesses etc). That was OK. Then she said she'd get me to work on PowerPoint for her and said it wasn't a test. Wasn't a test my bloody arse! I had to sit down and answer questions about where I would click to do this, and if I wanted to do something else, which of the four options would do it etc. This threw me as normally I would just do it. What was worse is that it was using Windows 2000 - I haven't used that in years and I'm sure there have been some subtle little changes in the last 7 years. Grr. Nevermind. I let them know how pissed off with myself I was (70% on basic; 72% on intermediate; 66% on advanced) - I know I should've done better than that. I was expecting to be asked to whip up a basic PowerPoint presentation. It's done. That's the main thing. I doubt I'll get that PowerPoint job based on my results. Shit happens though. I'm sure I'll get something soon, but like I keep saying, I just don't know what it is I really want to be doing.

After the interview I went back to the hotel to get my stuff and head over to the new digs. I was there for about 2 minutes when the agent rang and said she'd be about 15 minutes late (traffic). So...I waited outside on the steps until she arrived. Then I had to lug everything up the 114 flights of stairs. S'all good though! I have somewhere to live! Went in, signed the lease for 8 months, handed over the cash (thankfully I'll get £740 back at the end of the lease, so I consider that a wee non-interest bearing savings account ;) ). The place still had buckets of paint there (that were supposed to have been collected during the day) - not in my way, so meh. Cupboards & fridge hadn't been cleaned out and still had a lot of crap in them so I cleaned them out. Put all my stuff away & crashed. It had been a loooong day overall (not that I did that much).


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